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Thanks to everyone picking up a copy! much appreciated!
Thx for the video, love you 💪💪
nice mount studen
Nice one studen, late merry christmas
Do you think it's more satisfying to flip or farm for gold?
Nice mount studen
Loving this content but I also can’t wait for you to find out what old gold farms are doing really well aswell!! Hope you do some of that😁 have a good New Years man thanks again for the content
You can use the desolate leather to craft wrists and just vendor them yields alot of gold
Desolate leather and pallid bone for under 2g each so its 10-15g per craft vendor shuffle,not good but not terrible
0-10m raw gold?
Do you think tenebrous ribs are going up again? I bought a ton yesterday for 55g and they're at 67g right now. Trying to figure out the best time to dump them. Server average has been 114g so I want to balance profit with risk of holding them. Probably waiting till next Tuesday with them.
hi studen me again im thinking about buying your gold guide but i have qeustion is that only for pro gold farmers and people that are speding 14 hours a day in wow or can it also be used by a more casual player that is not able to play so much hours because of real life stuff but also like to earn some gold if your not comfortable answers those qeustions here is there a way i can contact you to aks qeustions before purchase? so i don`t get burnt 10 euro is maybe not much but still money and you can only spend it once hope to hear from you tnx!!!!
hey Studen, thank you for another interesting video. I just wanted to ask.. what do you think is faster way to make gold with? De other side farm or Raindeer farm (with clear way and no people hypotethicaly)? Thanks for the answer, if there will be any 🙂
All this gold, and im still waiting for my 500k!! Tut tut
what would you take with skinning? Mining or Herbalism? I mean for say, the raindeer route farming, I assume you run into herbs and ore there.
Edit: ok that answered my question, you do herbalism 🙂
whats the favourite reindeer route for skinning? i ve been doing de other side farm is the reindeer betteR?
food on my server drop like crazy 🙁 🙁
I would buy ur book if i could buy it with gold lol