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So not even a speculation a huge new Tyr storyline came out with about 10 different bits of dialogue, expansion of the paladin order that seems to be hegemonizing the paladins into one order and very likely making all paladins available soon, as the Npcs say soon paladins all over Azeroth will join our order.
Even more importantly Tyr was actually resurrected, he talks about his relationship with the titans, he may be a good guy, he may rebel against them together with us and Elisande also seems to be alive as we go into Nightsholde.
So is Blizzard really going to give us night elven, orcish paladins and all the other races that don’t have them soon? What is this new questline and what have we discovered so far?
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What do you see going on with Tyr in the future? Also I'd like to thank Awesun for making this video possible: Download AweSun Remote Desktop:
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Good video Doron but just one thing – in English it's not "hegemonize" it's "homogenize" when you make things all the same. Like milk is usually homogenized (as well as pasturised). Hegemonized means controlled and dominated – like the Lich King hegemonizes the Scourge – i.e. he's in control of them (or used to be).
This is just stupid.
There are dozens of Undead Paladins at this point. Both spectral and corporeal. While I think functioning as a typical Paladin is well validated at this point, we have also seen Undead Paladins use Unholy Light, so having their flavor be different also works.
So can every race play Demon hunter too?..They already shat all over the lore so why not Orc paladins lmao
recently went back and ground out the wotlk turry for the mounts there in a pallys of all the races current for that time out there, one thing thats always kinda bothered me the forsaken as player characters were all humans but dont speak the human language and all classes avalible to humans should also be to them as well for they are/were human. now give me that forsaken tauren from the comicbook series hot damn
I just want my Nelf Shaman
what the fuck is blizzard doing
9:20 isnt that the tip of sargeras' sword?
Whatever i want a priest undead and priest paladin. Think they added undead paladin……but they cant be paladins because thats not totally the exact same thing. But it whould be cool with undead paladins.
how can we beat aman thul lol he the one that give nozdormu time magic
elissande got kill
I'm still waiting for my Mechagnome Druids that shapeshift like Transformers into mechanical beasts.
before druid? i need druid and shaman for all T-T and at least DH for all the elves
but let me guess.. Horde Druids still wont be able to wear shoes ? waiting for b11 droods since BC
I still feel like it ruins class fantasy
An easy way for some paladins races are having the Kul'Tirans joining the Silverhand, the Highmountain Tauren joining the Sunwalkers, or even having the Lok'osh, the orc priest movement, expanding to include paladins.
God i HOPE I HOPE!!!!!!😆this happens mag'har orc Paladin
Fingers Crossed
Hogeminize, hahah. Great video.
Psh, screw that. Give me a rockstar mohawk for all races, and not that weak wannabe Mr.T mohawk either.
I honestly hope not because it be ridiculous like making the warlock class available for all races lore was bad retcon always ruined every stories including lore
as a old school alliance paladin i dont like the thought of everyone becoming a paladin especially horde it took alot for me to even get over holy cows and trolls but they defiantly drop the ball on kultiran paladins i think they was just being lazy also they have that stun punch that they dont want paladins having im sure but sometimes you gotta get with the times and fuck it let everybody just have everything at this point and lets put focus more on making they game good for everyone more in all aspects especially pvp and i cant wait to see tyr talk to odin lmao
God this conversation is still going on?
What's next, Tauren Rogues?
Can’t have undead paladins…. If you can’t have undead DRUIDS…. They have to find there way to the source of magic…. Druid I can see … but not pally
I can see paladins taking 2 or maybe 3 waves to extend to all races that don’t have Paladins.
Night Elves
Darkspear Trolls
Highmountain Tauren
make sense in a first wave
I'm not sure why, but the big Kul'tiran paladin from the quest looks so damn bad ass
6:44 "Draenei are recent arrivals on Azeroth" …. only slightly more recent then orc, they've been here 10-13 years at this point.
Paladins should never have been Horde. They should have kept it Shamans Horde and Paladins Alliance. In fact I am all for more faction unique content.
9:12 These Arathi look nothing like Kul'tirans… unless they have a different model i have not seen yet.
What’s the point of lore and races if you just let every race be every class. It defeats the purpose of class identity. Some stuff makes sense like every race being able to be a warrior, monk or a mage. However, some classes like shaman, Druid, warlock, paladin etc.. should have some restrictions to keep the fantasy alive
9:54 All wow lore has been lazy as of late, they put forth a quota to make all classes open to all races, and now they have to rush to get it done.