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We’ve spent a few days going through the Patch 11.1 PTR with a fine-tooth comb, so here’s the rundown of everything cool we’ve found so far!
00:00 Everything In Patch 11.1!
00:31 D.R.I.V.E
04:51 Warband Campsights
06:33 UI Improvements
08:52 Class Changes
10:52 New Zone Gameplay
13:11 New Delves
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HOLD up, the new lightning bolt animation is perfect it feels like Thor throwing lightning, the "instant" animation was always off putting coming from what was the Cataclysm version (which was better than the instant version). This is WoW we have wizards, gnomes, Orcs, people who shift into Moonkins, if I wanna throw my bolt of lightning then I will. There is also the fact that with that change it far more closely resembles the lava burst animation which brings your casted spells into alignment.
Blizzard needs to add more Alliance Shaman races, human, night elf, etc.
I am a long time Shaman player. LB used to be a blue orb and then it became that electric line. I like the new LB animation.
Now World of Warcraft has no idea what an MMO is or what an RPG is. There is no innovation or entertainment at all. Warcraft now is more like a toolbox than a world.
Anone knows what is the setting for the camera to bop around like at 9:54?
we got gta Warcraft before GTA6 :O
Driving: Waste of time/Talent … no one cares about car customization .. like no one really cared about customizing your "dragon" …. this "customization" of things is blown way out of league
. It's cool and all but not saving the game or getting new subs lol .. or keeping people playing week to week .. especially end game content which is what most people do
Well done Blizzard
I prefer Classic Hardcore.
This is fine I guess, but who asked for this?
A wallpaper on the login screen is a 'FEATURE' now?
WoW changes these days look like shoddy private server stuff
So when will they bloody implement direct storage so we don't lag out when we go fast?
The Shaman Lightning Bolt is back. It was originally a ball of lightning before the changed it to a line of lightning during Legion. Glad they brought back the ball of lightning.
World of Warcraft: Undermine Drift has a nice ring to it
Hopefully this patch is fun. The current “new” island got boring in like two days. Only hop on to upgrade my ring and then I don’t touch it again until the next reset.
So they copied gw2's mounts again, this time the roller beetle… I do like the customizability of it, so I guess they did improve on it. I'm looking forward to seeing how it feels in game.
Hey hey hey you ready to make some CRAZY money here we GO! (Offspring song begins)
The Marksman Hunter changes are terrible, as somebody who mainlined a hunter for a very long time, strongly dislike not having a pet.
Wow man and they increased the sub prices here in Aus. What a shit game and a shit company. How are you still shilling for them honestly
I really hope each campsite can be used for follower dungeons
Bellular in a glazing arc
New Lightning Bolt doesnt match the Lorework.
The only fast and really effective way to stop the bots, is probably to make it really hard and toxic for buyers and sellers: if blizz can do this legally, then blizz need to work with their own fake botters that sell gold in the black market slightly cheaper, same price and more expensive than real botters in a way to make it really hard to not pick them by misstake. Then when the trade is complete the account lose all items, gold etcetera. They should even announce this partnership to scare ppl off. Then also continue to have a special bot hunting unit that have GM in game that constantly instant bann bot before they can make their value back which require fast action.
They should just go full Lost ark of ff14 and make every mechanic a big red box thats clear to see on the ground ez fuck realism nobody cares i’d rather see a big red box instead something blended into the enviroment
Swirl update was absolutely unnecessary
This is… seriously insane. In a good way.
No tinker class? Sad, that would have been a reason to come back
“See which add on is giving you the troubles”. Definitely ban that add on in your area, Bell.
Maybe it's just me.. but who asked for driving in WoW? I fly wherever possible and we have ground mounts.. so why? I'm probably not even gonna look at this feature
The new lightning bolt looks amazing its more of a zeus type lightning bolt
Really would not say dragon riding was a changer.. I never use it anymore and did not enjoy being forced to use that horrible mechanism
M+ should be removed from WoW. PvP can take its place on the vault. M+ is a mini game that has nothing to do with the Lore. Take it out of Azeroth and make it a mobile game. The poison spread throughout all group content due to the timer is immeasurable.
WHY would I want to DRIVE CARS IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT……..this shyt is the same BS that they hyped for the flying in Dragonflight that would BRING EVERYONE BACK TO WOW…….and then it didn't.
Delve drops are crap now, why would we want MORE???
I just want it to be an rpg again
So it has crazy taxi physics?
anyone else dislike delves?
Say eggzaleration one more time
takes blizz like 7 years to fix swirlies. golf clap lol
the cars thing looks shit to be honest
Is this version worth coming back for?😊
I was really hoping for a boat to tail with.😊
I'm seriously looking forward to the UI improvements
Never forget, Blizzard made the game Rock and Roll Racing back in the day. It was a great racing game.
I like the organization for the warcamp lists, but I also would enjoy some optional warcamps that allow us to put more characters in, like say 20-30. Maybe it could look like a village or a city.
we have WoW Gta Before the actual Gta 🙂