Patch 9.1 GREAT For Casual Content? Breakdown Of What's Coming – WoW Shadowlands

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We’re taking a more focused look at patch 9.1 Chains of Domination from the eyes of a solo/casual player, who basically doesn’t play in the β€œbig three” (raiding, dungeon, pvp at an organized level). How does the casual content look so far? Is the Maw fun now? How long will be in Korthia? What else is there in Torghast outside of Soul Ash and Cinders? I do a breakdown of what’s coming in this spoiler free feature.

Soul’s Morning Stream – 830AM Tuesday through Thursday
Raid Streams – 7PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

0:00 Hello
0:45 The Maw
3:28 Korthia
5:34 9.0 content
6:50 Torghast

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23 thoughts on “Patch 9.1 GREAT For Casual Content? Breakdown Of What's Coming – WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Should it take 8+ months for systems they have already designed and implemented in-game to be reskinned and implemented? Even during Covid times, companies like Square Enix can produce full expansions and still produce innovative patch content and hold positive consumer relations. WTF Blizz takes 8+ months for a patch of land, and a few dailies with Nzoth invasions not impressed. Bet they will do the same next expac, too. When they are still trying to catch up on the next dumpster fire, they start #RemoveBlizzardFromWOW.

  2. Ff14 still by far the much better and more fun option. 9.1 is just more of the same with a lack of creativity.

    They want to make shadowlands as less fun as possible.😴😴

  3. Tbh, Renown shouldn't be time-gated, that's just stupid, you should be allowed to farm out all of them in one go if you so feel like, that would be so much better.

  4. What pisses me off the most is knowing all the features people want now will come out in the very last patch just like Legion and BFA instead of fixing it now.

  5. Not touching boreghast – the legendary ability won't change with item level and as Ion stated – ilevel is just a small part of your overall ability so leaving the legendary lower doesn't hurt much at all – they can take the crap boring content and shove it right back into the other games where it belongs (that I don't spend money on)

  6. Soul, be honest:
    Do you think getting back to 9.1 is worth it? I haven't been playing since the end of December and I am no longer certain if I should come back to the game in 9.1

  7. But, whats the point, my guild is moving cross faction, I do not enjoy mythic plus, I do like world content but currently world content sucks and I do not need better gear to do it… a bit grouchy but I am just disappointed.

  8. my favorite thing about Soul is his unique perspective when it comes to this game and how it drives his content. this is a great example of content that I get from Soul that I don't typically get from the other WoW content creators, and it's genuinely appreciated.

  9. ALL CONTENT SHOULD BE CASUAL ITS A GAME… the toxic community of wow makes the casual player impossible.. casual is LFG and random pug bgs and question… wow great game.. I played at release until Cata.. I'm back in shadowlands and all this IO parcing and wowlogs make the game completely toxic. plus I never delt with vault.. so you now need to wait each week to get one piece naw, lame bruh I'd rather do a GDKP run which this new community has never heard of.


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