Patch 9.2.5 Tirisfal Glades // WoW Shadowlands

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There is an encrypted map of Tirisfal Glades on the Patch 9.2.5 PTR. We’ve seen similar maps used at the end of the expansion to hide story updates, such as encrypted Silithus revealed in the Legion Epilogue (Patch 7.3.5) and Durotar in the Fourth War (Patch 8.2.5).

There are also updated AreaTables for Tirisfal Glade locations. We last saw Tirisfal Glades undergo a major revamp at the start of BFA, when Sylvanas blighted the lands during the Battle for Lordaeron, the introductory scenario for Battle for Azeroth and a retaliatory strike after the Burning of Teldrassil.

In the encrypted key for the Tirisfal Glade maps, there’s also a hidden model for Calia Menethil, so there will likely be some story pertaining to her relationship with the Forsaken, as she joined the Horde Council at the end of BFA.

Below are new minimaps coming in Patch 9.2.5. Tirisfal looks pretty similar to its current state, with a blight scar still bisecting the zone.


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