Plaguefall Mythic+ Tank Walkthrough/Commentary (Shadowlands beta)

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intro 0:00
1st wing of trash 0:20
Globgrog 6:22
2nd wing of trash 8:30
Doctor Ickus 20:16
3rd wing of trash 23:13
Domina Venomblade 29:43
4th wing of trash 32:40
Margrave Stradama 36:02

This was from the KSM tournament just before launch, I was playing the Necrolord Bonesmith soulbind on bear.

This is a Necrolord dungeon – Any time you kill a green, red or purple slime, fleshcraft on top of their bodies for an aura buff that you give yourself and anyone within 10 yards. Red = haste, Green = nature damage, Purple = damage reduction.

I’ll be doing more of these as the seasons get going so if I miss important stuff, let me know and it will be in the next commentary of this dungeon for sure.

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39 thoughts on “Plaguefall Mythic+ Tank Walkthrough/Commentary (Shadowlands beta)”

  1. Everything is super explained but the only thing is that as always in the pug some things can't be done if they don't know it's a problem. Is it for free if the tank knows all the tricks if others don't know for free is it because of someone who will pull a mop next to with vipe, which means that they should be coordinated …

  2. I love your guides, I really appreciate the in depth look at trash; most guides just talk about bosses. I am going to be "that guy" though … when you're talking about food, "buffet" is pronounced "buffay" like you said. When you're talking about getting knocked about, it's "buffit".

  3. thank you very much for the video! do you have any tips for guard druids on the 3rd boss during a necrotic week? besides using an ally taunt to reset stacks or getting lucky on cast times while you're running to reset, I have had the hardest time cleanly resetting necro stacks without getting webbed or getting another application at the final .5s before it falls off.


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