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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.1 Shadowlands Season 2 Mythic+ Affix video. I talk about the newly confirmed Season 2 M+ affix called Tormented. This was tested using PTR servers so anything can still change but this kiss/curse affix seems very fun so far!
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Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
External Sources
How the Tormented Seasonal Mythic+ Affix Works – Get Anima Powers from Lieutenants:
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Update: It seems we were getting downscaled to ilvl 200 during M+ PTR testing so the numbers are not a great indication of what to expect, but…
My great tan is a massive
I was roasted like a chicken.
Prideful v Tormented?
Awakened is back
Great video!
Looks cool to me
As someone who's trying to learn tanking…. Prideful can go fuck itself. As a resto shaman main… Yeah, later pride.
I suppose some dungeon bosses will be tuned especially those 1st and 2nd bosses in linear dungeons.
Losing prideful buff +lack of anima power makes early bosses insanely hard in high keys on tyrannical week.
Losing Prideful, with no meaningful mana changes to specs (up or down), just means holy paladin will get even better cause they can take ALL thruput talents and ever have to worry about mana Were as, a MW for example, will be ceiling capped way harder on thruput and will most likely want at least one mana talent.
Generally doesn’t look to bad. I’m not gonna miss healing +20 prides and being venth pally it gives more flexibility with CD’s
so i wont save my cd for pride again. that smells good.
This is really cool and I hope they swap the anima powers around every week and also play on the current week's affixes as a counter.
My only concerned is that the aura debuff for skipping the lieutenant add ,again, a lot on the shoulder of the tanks & healer.
DPS barely have any downside in M+ already or big responsibility (in pug mainly).
Other than that it will free us to do more route option and that sound great.
sounds interesting, I was right at my wits end being mana starved as a mw and recently started working on a holy pally, I might try resto shammy too. So, just to clarify once you pick a buff you get it for the rest of the dungeon? That sounds pretty cool. I could see people inv skipping to get certain buffs for the rest of the dungeon.
I'm really pumped about this. Looks fun!
The scare for healers is we end up doing what happened with the pillar affix and skipping the mini boss that gives the mana regen and then holy Pala will absolute dominate again due to no mana issues.
Skipping these minibosses buffs the last boss? So, tyrannical weeks are even more evil now.
This season is going to be a fucking banger haha
I've done 14s and 15s with this affix. The dot dmg of some of them is really badly scaled to heal as a resto druid, even with 38% Haste on it.
The powers seem stale and I think people are hyped just because it's new and not prideful which we've dealt with for 7 to 8 months
Excited how this can help with venthyr hpal healing outside of healing cds and STILL be able to do huge dps!
Can you please check if anima dmg buff for disc priest also increases atonement healing? I know this is very hard to check without combat log, but you are the only one who is actively studying this game.
Thanks for the video. This looks fun, we still need to know if there will be different powres based on the affix we have (like the reversed necrotic/volcanic which were datamined past week), but i have the feeling that, if there are any 'weekly' powers, they will be handled to DPS, tanks and healers will not see any randomness. In any case, tyrannical weeks will be non skipping weeks, whatever it is for last boss or for the bosses before, we will need those anima powers to scale down the first bosses of each dungeon now that we do not have prideful. I like it so far.