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As someone with Arachnophobia – the Humanoid looking variant is preferable over the more spider like forms.. Also, the Earthern Heritage Armor is crazy big and epic. I haven't felt like playing a dwarf before, nor the Dark Iron variant – might try the Earthern. I would like a race like Rexxar's – Mok'nathal. Or maybe some mixture of Norse inspiration and a form similar to Vrykul, Kul Tiran and some lore where they were in service to Odyn, and have options to join Hord or Alliance due to where they believe honor is held. I love Norse Mythology, and would like a large Viking type race to play as instead of pretending my Kul Tiran is one. 😁💯
We need the snake people from bfa too. Let's get it done. Blizzard always gives a redemption arc for the races that join the party
I really hope they actually become playable, as I think we need more monster-type races, but Doron's vids are super click-baity..
Better playable nerubians than ogers xD
As long as they give us Vry'kul I'll be happy.
What is Drynei?
6:00 new m/f centaur models are trash, though, for a "modern" audience..
No playable Naga after Azshara goes crazy with N'zoth, No Sethrak even tho the entirety of Vol'dun for the horde was helping them save their god instead we got Vulpera because the Alliance got Tuner Gnomes, Playable Nerubians would be WILD before any of the others that really should have already been added
If a title has a "?" in it, you should immediately report it to YouTube for spreading misinformation and fake news!
Ogres would be one of the most underplayed races it's hilarious every time it gets suggested. Just look at what happened to Kul'Tirans, no one wants to play the fatso they are irl
Personally i would prefer them to add new features to existing races and making the current dragon race look at least decent rather than adding new ones.
Guess we'll be getting some spidussy