WoW 9.1.5 Shadowlands – NEW PvP Gearing Updates! Better Than We Think?

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17 thoughts on “WoW 9.1.5 Shadowlands – NEW PvP Gearing Updates! Better Than We Think?”

  1. I like ranks, it keeps people pvping. You should be rewarded for your skill and grind to get those ranks. I feel too many people just want shit handed to them. Those are the people that didn’t play the original vanilla. Can’t just come into pvp and expect to own everyone. Take you licks, get better and get gear. I think making the honor gear better is a step in the right direction so alts and those few new players, have a shot at being competitive. I’d like to see at different ranks, maybe 1-2 pieces of gear upgradeable instead of all of it. 7 ilvls is pretty big

  2. I got the best solution for this system that will fix the entire thing. Make it that you can buy conquest gear for an x amount of honour. Boom done. Yes a piece might cost lets say 7k honour but for it to be lvl 1 220. Then you get up in pvp rating u can upgrade. obviously buying with conquest is better so u have honour to upgrade but hey u can just grind more. Or better yet upgrade the honour gear with conquest to get it to higher ilvl. So like lets say u cap at 233. If u get enough conquest and get the rating u use conquest to upgrade it further without having to buy it so its like cheaper for u since u did the honour grind.

  3. Always first place in heals. Just hit 60 with first char my resto shaman. Bought full honor
    Set and upgraded it as much as possible. And…I get two shotted over and over to where pvp isn’t even playable. And I only play wow for
    PvP so I’m kind of screwed. If I pop every single
    Cool down I can’t even live just healing
    Only me.

  4. The smart idea for honor gear is fucking remove step 1,2,3 and keep steps 4,5,6 as the honor gear, why do they want us to suffer with the honor grind its 2 much

  5. Great vid mate. MoP and WoD PvP gearing systems still reign supreme imo. Remove the ranks, then you'll get a lot more players engaging with PvP as well as a lot more alts in the equation.

  6. My issue with this change:

    Conquest isn't earned any faster so you still spend hours grinding to catch up alts – current season position (ignoring daily win bonus and weekly) is around 180+ wins in 2s to cap fully.

    How much honor is it going to cost to upgrade each rank? Honor gains are still very low/slow and honor still can't be sent from one char to an alt.

    It is a positive step but, in reality, I don't see this really doing very much at all.

  7. I totally agree with what you’re thinking sir. My problem is this why is it I went to a place will have like 215 character and just because he is very set up just like my 252 character has the same stats everything but using the lower stuff annoying out to play the character can just start beating the shit out of people? I still see lower level people beating higher level of people if they’re both good

  8. I miss the way it was indeed. Honor and conquest gear had one ilvl, no upgrading. They were the best gear for pvp, no need to do pve. It was possible to max out a toon back then and it gave u a chance to do the same on other toons. Gearing now takes too long and its just too random

  9. By the time my renown was 59 for honor upgrades, I was missing 2 conquest pieces. Gearing ranks are cool to a certain extent, my problem is grinding arena and losing to teams where someone is getting carried by some stacked dps with 200+ rating then me. If you’re above a certain rating you shouldn’t be able to be paired with someone with a rating that much lower then yours. This patch comes out in Oct and New World comes out in September. They messed up


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