Playing DPS without any Tank or healing friends #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin

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Playing DPS without any Tank or healing friends #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming


33 thoughts on “Playing DPS without any Tank or healing friends #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin”

  1. It's like my fellow DPS is either too lazy or doesn't know how to make their own group. Ever since I just started making my own groups instead of looking for a group, I haven't had any trouble anymore. IF YOU LIST IT THEY WILL COME.

  2. its taken me since the beggining of seaon 1 to get to 2300 on my hunter who is and has been my main since classic! i did that in a weekend on my shaman . i made all my own keys as a healer. i put up a 4 dawnbreaker and within seconds had probably close tro 100 dps trying to get in and like 1 maybe 2 tanks . all you shit head dps need to man up and tank !!! its why i went healer

  3. Yeah this is asinine cause none of you even talk to other people. Everybody enters a group. Sits there with 4 other human beings for 15 mins and no body says a word to anyone. At this point I'm starting to think lfg is mostly full of bots.

  4. I always played by myself since the beginning of wow, because I played a dps paladin back in the day, was rare the day I found a group that wasn't all judgemental, and because of that ans what they did to the paladin I stopped playing after 5 years of nonstop. I return occasionally and I'm playing again by myself but I feel like I m rewarded by the game because I go solo, that and the dungeons with followers ❤ I don't want to deal with people, if I want human interaction I have my clan.

  5. Played since 2005 with my best friend, playing as Gimli and Legolas. Halfway through TBC he abandoned the Night Elf for a Blood Elf and we would periodically kill each other as a game. We kept the game up until BFA when we both quit because the game was terrible. I picked up Classic but he had a life by then and it makes me sad when a hunter attacks me because of the memories


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