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Enhancement Shaman in Shadowlands has to be one of the worst melee. Blizzard please HELP US. I dont wanna see any class do poorly, especially enhancement.
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How can u say this is the final state?
Theyve been patching and reworking shit every few days and theres still 3 weeks left to release?
What do u mean
Yep in pvp it is, but in pve enhance is more than fine.
People see the title and thinking, ok here we go again, enhance is bad in all situations…
You just spraed misinformation from the start.
I don't say enhancement don't have a problems i just want to say don't shit on all enhance community, shit on pvp enha in title.
yeah , shadowlands butchered my favorite shaman class
That naruto sad theme shows very well the grief, like why it cannot be god tier for few patches at least. Flipping small indie comp pouring frustration on dumping shams.
how does doing PVP Arenas show the DPS potential of a class when you play a class that will just get swarmed because all classes know the Enhance Shaman has no defensives? I would think showing a PVE point of view would better showcase the pluses or minuses of playing enhancement shaman?
Fuck it I’ll still main enhance lol
I know that feel bro!!
Ive been main enh since classic, and finally on bfa i changed to hunter.
Life is better now.
Do u want play ret Enh + heal with me ? 😀 useless comp power
Fully open field against double wl… Yeah I wonder why you lose…
Enhancement is just so bad it was finally time to put him on the shelf after 6 years. Time to move on to bigger better classes that don't give me high blood pressure.
Not only THEY HAVE To give shamans more defensive cds.,.
Every fucking class has TONS of ccs..
i keep saying in the forums that shadowlands is ubermegacrap and the forum troglodites keep attacking me.i guess theyll get the game they deserve
Me before watching this: “Man I can’t wait to main my first and favorite class again this expac, the Shaman!”
Me after watching this: “I think I will main sub rogue again in Shadowlands.”
Man, you just dont know what game for enhancement. Look shedi_eu (stormgod) and you will be see: what is it really enhancement in good hands
this is why I'm leveling my sub rogue:)
Not doing this again. both ele and enhance are shit for shadowlands.
They will not make them top tier, they never do. They'll be good at the end of the entire expansion.
I blinked and the first match was over.
What happened?! just see this enhancement) enhancement can all!
s-F9????? wtf?
enhance maybe good in pve then ?
Bro too much crying wtf lol
Bro enhanced got buffed .. where are you clack
Feels good to be a sub rogue.
I always main enh for better or for worse lol
Your videos are a much more realistic depiction of the WoW experience, subbed.
rofl wait is he moving farther away? That was messed up!!
Enh for life
Wow that demolock was so fucking bad hahaha
Still preferred when you shocked them with ascendence and one shot felt good
woooow I was thinking of coming back to the game but HOLY SHIT how do they manage to break the game even more every single expansion? ROFL better save money for cyberpunk 2077 fuck wow
and I thought RET was bad…RET has mobility issues, but is still PLAYABLE. Playing around on enhance is just…torture. even in BG's it is so, so bad.