Playing One of The WORST Melees In the GAME | Shadowlands Enhancement Shamans

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Enhancement Shaman in Shadowlands has to be one of the worst melee. Blizzard please HELP US. I dont wanna see any class do poorly, especially enhancement.

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32 thoughts on “Playing One of The WORST Melees In the GAME | Shadowlands Enhancement Shamans”

  1. Yep in pvp it is, but in pve enhance is more than fine.

    People see the title and thinking, ok here we go again, enhance is bad in all situations…

    You just spraed misinformation from the start.
    I don't say enhancement don't have a problems i just want to say don't shit on all enhance community, shit on pvp enha in title.

  2. how does doing PVP Arenas show the DPS potential of a class when you play a class that will just get swarmed because all classes know the Enhance Shaman has no defensives? I would think showing a PVE point of view would better showcase the pluses or minuses of playing enhancement shaman?

  3. Me before watching this: “Man I can’t wait to main my first and favorite class again this expac, the Shaman!”

    Me after watching this: “I think I will main sub rogue again in Shadowlands.”

  4. this is why I'm leveling my sub rogue:)
    Not doing this again. both ele and enhance are shit for shadowlands.
    They will not make them top tier, they never do. They'll be good at the end of the entire expansion.


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