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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!!
Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!
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#worldofwarcraft #letsplay #wow
You missed an opportunity to name your goat….Billy.
Been watching your WoW journey so far and enjoyed myself. But I just wanted to put this here after seeing you tame that deer and named it Bambi…
…you know Bambi is male, right?
Gratz on your first death
F in the chat for Bambi
this man playing wow nuzlck
this ep 10 and you hooked me into watch the rest of the playthrough I'm loving this =] iv been playing for 12 years i wish i could go back and start it all again keep up the good works love to you from the uk UK hype <3😆
Fiegn death , fiegn death. Lol.i was trying to help you not die, but I don't think you heard me ❤️
Bro, you gotta use Kill Command on cooldown. It's your main and strongest damage ability.
Pets are going to die all the time tanking for you, so no real point in playing perma-death with them. You also have a stable of them, so you're not limited to two or three. You just have to swap them in and out of the stable into the active slots.
The equipment manager on the character screen is the easiest way to equip the best gear, you can compare everything available for each slot and equip it right there.
Feign death will help you when pulling to many enemies
Perfect BM hunter role-play: cowardly dunce who is smashing only two buttons. Loving it.
Great vid mate, for new players who chose night elf if you wonder what use shadowmeld is it would have saved omariorpg from his 1st death it drops all aggro and stealths you until you move the mobs will reset so move when it’s safe
if you pay attention, the game literally holds your hand and walk you through it. you are just not paying any attention. you tried to invite that mage and it said right there you are on trial acc!
In you character panel you can hold over the different stats and see what 'Mastery' does for you character 🙂
You probably know by now… if not: In Classic pets used to become attached to you over time, which made them stronger in some way. But thats not the case anymore, so there is no drawback in abandoning your pet and taming a new one. But there are some really rare animals out there you dont want to abandon once you got them 😀
Reee number 11 to go
Watching you has been so refreshing, I almost think it's more entertaining than actually playing the game. I think as a veteran player of 15+ years I'm still constantly chasing that "new world to explore" feeling that just isn't going to come back given the time I've spent in WoW. Watching you explore and say things like "Oh, what's this building over here?" or "I wonder what X does…" evoke feelings of nooby nostalgia I haven't felt in years. At the time of typing this you currently have almost 60 episodes released and I fully intend to keep going and watch them all. This is a blast!
can we just appreciate that he's had the character window open a hundred times by now and has never, not one, ever, looked at it. lmao
Omario: "Food is lacking in this game"
Also Omario: "Ignores every single vendor that was selling food, buys no food, and never uses any of the food that drops off every single mob in the game"
yes, so lacking xD
Ill be honest I wish the food to pet mechanic was a little bit deeper but at the same time I understand why they nerfed the system, to make the game easier for casuals as a way to get more players interested in the game. Because honestly this game is overwhelming if you've never played it before and get thrown into 20 years of WoW all at once, so they removed many many systems and created a bunch of hand holding systems to really make this game as simple as possible. Its why it started to die because all the hardcore players got tired of it and quit in Cataclysm and then Blizz doubled down on the anti-veteran player policies and pro-casual policies.
for better or worse, here we are.
he has his own discord but doesnt ask the people in his discord questions while he's recording? I mean if you have a question about the game, and you got a bunch of people who joined discord solely to chat with you, it just seems like a big misplay to not ask them extremely basic questions. i mean i'd love to have my own personal army of big brains at my beckon call.
"We're playing World of Warcraft! The game where you choose a monstrous race and master ultimate powers to battle the enemy faction to the death for overall control of the entire planet! Now, we just have to find a chicken, and take a picture of a waterfall to progress towards our ultimate goal of Kingly conquest"
Ah Warcraft, never change.
He's probably gonna regret abandoning his pet when he realizes there is a Stable where Hunter's can deposite extra pets 😀
14:59 yes, a turtle would be an amazing pet since it’s tenacity, which means it’s an ideal tanking pet, along with gorillas, bears, etc. Reginald I believe is cunning, and Scar would be ferocity, higher damage output. I could be wrong as far as current wow, however.
As I was watching this video I pressed M to open up the map xD
Yo man! I am really enjoying watching you play WoW as a NEW players it's just so amazing to see someone discovering things 'vets' take for granted!! It's Crazy to think that if you manage to explore that complete island you probably haven't even seen 1% of the whole world and storyline!! So crazy how big WoW is when you see someone like you playing it fresh! Keep it up.
I thought you gonna named "goaty" 😅
playing without autoloot…this is painful auuuuch. Nice vids tho.
In original WOW you had to feed your pet and if you didn’t feed it enough it ran away. Also they were a pain in the ass in dungeons and raids because they agreed mobs if you didn’t dismiss them when you jumped. You also had to make and store your own ammo.
In the first version they didn’t tell you squat about how to play. I didn’t know you had to repair your gear. Kept getting killed. A lot of quests took more than one person.
43:30 was a chest in that small cave there 😂. I am watching every single video od yours and i love it. Check all the drop can be something with value there. Also you land a trap but some traps are broken when you attack them 😂 there must be used to trap and run a mob
Man I'm surprised no one told you about Icy veins it would have helped you with stats- what they are used for and what to prioritize above others. Such a useful site. Wow head is also handy wish I had foud your videos sooner.
"This is our first death". Took surprisingly long. But dude, ur a hunter! Thats what "Feign Death" is for 🤣🤣
Also, u just keep forgetting about poor Flynn, who broke u out of jail! Plus, if u follow his quest, u get to all those places, u run around exploring 😋
I love how you clear a whole area before moving on to the next lol I'm an explorer and quester myself
Dude the Bambi death scene music is so sync with your scream lmao!
On episode 10 and I started at 1. It makes me so happy how excited you are about experiencing this for the first time ❤. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the series!