Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 24

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Its finally time to play WOW for the first time ever!!! Tips and tricks are always appreciated in the comments enjoy the video!


37 thoughts on “Playing World of Warcraft For The First Time | Let's Play World of Warcraft in 2022 | Ep 24”

  1. Hey all thanks for the crazy support 2 things very quickly vids are at 48 fps cause at 60 for some reason the bitrate was funky on some of my videos like it went a bit pixely so changing it to 50 makes it look so much cleaner imo and 2nd thing im a derp and the audio does get louder in the next few videos i think i turned down the music or something and forgot to turn it back up so yeah thanks for watching and god bless

    Omar <3

  2. Hahahaha he said a day of pathfinder aaahhahhahahahahhahahaha

    Really enjoying the show! Was so happy to see you get flying, sorry for the laughs on pathfinder but now you know how we all feel. Well, you will once you try to get it, anyway you can fly most other places.. don’t forget… SHIFT BUTTON… again is your best friend

  3. I am sorry for pushing you to get your flying 🙁 I forgot you need to unlock the Pathfinder Achievement to fly in Battle for Azeroth Zones. There is also Pathfinder Achievements for Warlords of Dreanor, Legion and Shadowlands Expansions to fly in those Expansions!! They are doable and once you do unlock them they are account wide for all your characters on your account! Also dont forget to Heal your Pet 🙂

  4. Blizz really messed up with pathfinder still being needed for bfa (I know its going away with DF) I never thought about how much it would suck as a new player to be made to go to kul tiras/zandalar and then get excited about flying only to not be allowed lmao

  5. So sad you can fly in all expansions except bfa because you have to finish a pathfinder achievement. When you buy dragonflies expansion which starts in November you should be able to fly in bfa without doing pathfinder.

  6. If you are taking on a boss enemy and your pet dies use your aspect of the turtle. While the aspect of the turtle keeps you from getting hurt you can revive your pet. The pet revive spell works during combat.

  7. You should check out petopia. It shows you all the pets that you can tame, their color variants, abilities that they use and where you can find them. It's super useful for both old and new hunters alike.

  8. you can CTRL click to see how an item would look, you can visit a transmog guy in stormwind to change the way your gear looks as well. you can also visit Chromie and choose an expansion you would like to focus on.

  9. Ah that sweet feeling of geting to fly the first time, reminds me when I first took to the skys.
    But to see your dreams crushed when you realised you couldn't fly in your leveling zone hahahahaha priceless

  10. I'm sure you've figured this out by now, but that area of quests to the northwest of Boralus (like the Norwington Estate) that you've been avoiding isn't part of Stormsong Valley, it's still part of Tiragarde Sound, the first zone. I think you're only like 2/7 done with Tiragarde Sound.

    Also, leaving Kul Tiras for Eastern Kingdoms like you mentioned you plan to do could be good fun for exploration, but it won't help you at all progression-wise because Eastern Kingdoms only goes up to level 30 and you're like level 39. In fact, the only area in the game that will level you up is Kul Tiras.

  11. Try this, preheal, misdirect on to your pet and heal him again during the fight I've never had to rez my pet as many times as I've seen you so far LOL. Also i just tried MM huntard it's pretty fun you might wanna try that just to see if you like it.

  12. FLying mounts are great, the only downside is it makes the great landscape designs pointless, since you can just fly directly over everything to your destinations.
    And remember, once you level to 50, you can do timewalking campaigns on other characters to level in other continents and expansions, with everything scaled to your level. If you leave Kul Tiras now with your current character, you'll be over-leveled for Eastern Kingdoms, at least I'm pretty sure that's how it works now. The whole scaling system is a bit confusing, since i haven't played the "live" version much in athe last few years.
    When you begin a timewalking campaign, you should get a quest directing you to the proper starting point as well.

  13. You getting your first flying mount really took me back.

    When I got flight I was playing a paladin, and for some reason I thought that my horse mount would be able to fly, so I proceeded to get to the top of a cliff and I jumped to my death.

    Good times.


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