Playing WoW Classic Properly | World of Warcraft

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25 thoughts on “Playing WoW Classic Properly | World of Warcraft”

  1. maaaaan it makes me so sad theres only 1 episode of this! i was hoping for more to sink my teeth into. your production quality and animations are pretty good for a channel your size, take a +1 from me 🙂

  2. this is a really cool idea! unfortunately I have played the hell out of classic and know the questing in the game backwards and forwards, but i think it'll be entertaining watching you try to figure out what zone to quest in next. expect lotsa bouncing around zones.

  3. "In the next video, we will continue to not read". Honestly though, great video, well structured, little bit of interference at the start in terms of sound but otherwise really enjoyable, hope to see more soon!

  4. Deflection is underrated and I've used it countless times on ironman warriors. When parrying, it not only negates incoming damage, but it also significantly reduces your swing timer so you actually swing your weapon much sooner to generate more rage. It's genuinely a good talent. I would've spent my first 5 points on Cruelty though.

  5. When I first started playing WoW in '07 and I did not know what addons were at all. I played until level 35ish until someone told me about them. Games at the time were not very hand-holdy to begin with so it never crossed my mind to look for addons to help with these things. What I did find out was that several features i was looking for are in the game options menu. Things like combat text and extra action bars. I miss how games used to tell you where to go for the quests instead of just giving you a gps. I've been playing Morrowind and that game makes it hard to even work on more than 1 quest at a time since the log in chronological and will update everytime you talk to someone about a quest.


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