Plunderstorm This Week! My “Secret” to Success! This Week in Warcraft

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Plunderstorm returns this week for a month of crazy gameplay and degen farming! Meanwhile Turbulent Timeways continue for extra gear and a bonus mount!

Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

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37 thoughts on “Plunderstorm This Week! My “Secret” to Success! This Week in Warcraft”

  1. Just don't play the game at that point. I generally like your takes Soul, but this is a very toxic take imo. If someone really hates plunderstorm that much to where they don't even interact with the intended game design then just don't play it.

  2. Ugh, I was so hoping last time was a one and done thing. Turns out I dislike FOMO even more than PvP and that's saying something!
    Gather as much as I can, run into the storm at the first sign of human to human interaction, lather, rinse, repeat. Worked last time well enough to get all the things. Here's to hoping it still works 🙂

  3. That was basically my Plunderstorm MO last time – grab cash and run from other players. If you wanna kill me I'll waste your time making you chase me. How do you always land in the same spot though? I didn't always spawn at the same spot in the sky.

  4. Quick and Easy Plunder. Do your round requirement. (Kill 3 elites, kill 10 mobs, open 2 chests or collect 30 plunder) Then just kill mobs and collect plunder. Dont worry about killing players unless you notice they are low on HP.


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