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Pointless Top 10: Dungeon Entrances in World of Warcraft
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
stop laughing for no reason
My most memorable dungeon entrance is BRD, it's such an excellent dungeon.
Owls were used by Night Elves in Warcraft 3 too, like on the trees as scout + Tyrande has a Owl – could be something from back then?
A great dungeon entrance I'd pick would be Zul'aman, and yes it was a raid before, but it IS a dungeon now, so would that count? If not I'd also shoot for Drak'tharon keep where all the Drakkari survivors flee from the scourge attack.
They have owl iconography because their old faction name was "The Watchers" and owls are known to watch their prey. like the wardens watch their prisoners.
sunken temple not being here is criminal
2:50 owls are the hunters of the night, night elves are nocturnal.
Any plans to make new machinina? I think What NPCs are thinking needs a Dragonflight Version 😛
I was hoping to see the old Naxx entrance in Stratholme on this list, as it truely is pointless.
Owls are flying ninja birds.
You like hardcore fun wow stuff? Have you tried ascension WoW? They have lots of challenge modes, ironman (no dying), nightmare mode (you take 300% damage), and 30 or 40 more.
You should check it out it would be good for your channel too.
I think the reason they use owls is because Elune is a moon goddess and owls are more active at night.
The wardens also often refer to themselves as "the watchers", and owls are very often portrayed as a silent watcher in wow.
Thats their relationship between the wardens and owls. Its vague, but kinda fits… kinda… i think.
Owls are badass.
waycrest was one of my fav dungeons for m+ loved it wasnt the same everytime you entered
Owls can't fly even in a slight rain because of the silent flying.
I would be down for a crendor style WoW lore breakdown for some things. Don't even play WoW but I'm sure there's some stories in there that would be nice to hear through a thick chicago accent
UBRS would've been #1 for me.
Goddammit it this video makes me want to play wow again… ohh the Nostalgia
I enjoyed the convenience of the Dungeon Finder when I played WoW but the fact that I don't remember the entrance to Maraudon shows you can miss out on a lot of exploration with such conveniences. I visited Deadmines primarily as Horde characters and if I remember correctly it's quite an ordeal just to get there. I'm most familiar with the Wailing Cavern Entrance because about 75% of my Characters have been Tauren and the Barrens was my old stomping ground. When Classic WoW started up I naturally ended up there. I don't even bother to do the dungeon often but the cave leading to the Cavern usually gets visited.
What do you mean “ya I guess”? There is no greater reason to do a dungeon than to save the beer.
uhm shadowfang keep??
yeah owls have been studied for stealth aerodynamics. if you ever get close to a stealth aircraft, you will see some odd things.
The Wardens in the lore use Owls for recon purposes.
Zul'Farrak definitely deserves #1. Loved the temple battle and the Hydra boss!
Not only are owls stealthy, they are also frequently associated with education and knowledge. Because they can hunt even small prey in the dark, put together with the variations of alumni (a = absent, void of; lumni = light; alumni are the ones who search for knowledge in the dark without a light of their own), owls are often related with sages and teachers
Source: my country has specific degrees for educators and I'm a biology teacher
Am I the only one who misses going to the dungeon to get in?
They use owls because in night elf culture owls are the eyes of elune, watching and guarding over the land.
Looking back to when WOW started, it seemed like we had a lot more time to be exploring and leveling different characters and do all of these dungeons a few times each. I'm just surprised you didn't address the entrance to Blackrock Mountain and how you had to find all of the different dungeon entrances within it.
if maraudon's entrance is supposed to be a TROLL GOD …. doesn't it seem pretty much like Mueh'zala? 😮
Blackrock depths?? Where it at?
That was an iconic dungeon entrance, running into the mountain and seeing the lake of lava with a floating island, climbing down the chains to the mining site before coming up on the prison block of Blackrock mountain.
Even has a ghost quest giver inside the tomb chained above the lava. Amazing area, totally absent from the list 🙁
ok i like these all but where was sunken temple that entrance is iconic!
BFD will not be silenced
All the Warden lore is pretty much just carry over Warcraft 3 Maiev campaign lore, if it was in that campaign it's probably part of the Warden lore now. Maiev hunted down Illidan who was attempting to nuke an entire continent? They now hunt down demon hunters and anybody trying to destroy continents. Maiev collected fragments of the Scepter of Sargeras? Wardens secure powerful artifacts, all the extra units were Huntressses who had an ability to place Owls on trees for scouting? Wardens use Owls for reconnaissance.
Pandaria made a massive effort to have the dungeon/raid locations as part of the main world, one of many reasons it’s my favourite expansion
Just in case anybody wants to know about the mushrooms and coral; coral is actually considered an animal, and each coral is made up of many of these tiny animals. And these tiny animals then hold another organism in their body to use light for energy.
And mushrooms are in a class of their own as, well, mushrooms.
But I'd say they are aesthetically 100% the same~
Drunk Pandas, a must explore.
The whole owl thing has some tangential connection to Elune.
Moonking are owl-like, sentinels use them as scouts, wardens use them as "watchers", Tyrande with all her owl stuff, etc.
i can appreciate that the entrance to Maraudon is still left up to speculation as to what its depicting in a time in WoW where most concepts have been explained thoroughly.
Deadmines….Blizzard's tribute to The Goonies.
I loved the Deadmines exit. Something about coming out a different way than you went in was pretty unique back then.
I loved vashjir when cata came out… Never understood the hate for it, i thought hyjal was actually so boring in comparison…
Leveled one character through hyjal and like 20 through vashjir 😂
Back in cataclysm you had to find dungeon entrances you get access to them
Yep I am Person who Is Like… Dude what happens If I swim onto that 🤣
Watching this video makes me realize I don't think I've seen a dungeon entrance since cataclysm