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If you’re playing World of Warcraft and struggling to pick the perfect main for The war Within, this guide is for you! Learn how to choose the best character for your playstyle and preferences in this helpful video.
00:00 Intro
00:37 Warband
01:37 FOTM
02:57 Casual or Hardcore
04:15 What Role?
04:50 Reroll Insurance
05:59 Solo or Group
06:45 My Picks
10:08 Final Words
What are you planning to play in The War Within?
great video man
I play feral druid.😢
A tank, will read all new talents for each class and decide which one I want to paly. Pala was my main so far but maybe it will change.
warlock pally and dh
Please stop showing "4 favourite characters logging screen" when talking about Warband. Blizzard made the same mistake on Blizzcon. New and returning players think that Warband applies only to those 4 characters, but it's account-wide for ALL characters
I’ve been a lifelong (10+ year) mage with no alts. With mop remix I made a mm hunter and a demo lock which I leveled to 70 and it was fun. And then I found assassination rogue and completely fell in love. I leveled one in remix and then paid $40 to make an auto level 70 in retail which I’m gearing now. That will be my main in TWW. It’s funny because fire mage was looking OP as always and TWW sin rogue looks abysmal 😂 but I’m still going to main it because it’s just too much fun. I’ll make it work
so many choices pally, enhance, warrior, dh lol i cant choose
I thought you'd show us how to pick the perfect man in WoW. Disappointed — it's a dislike from me!
Ive played the same main for 15 years now its been Frost DK ever since it came out in WOTLK and it will continue to be Frost DK in TWW Im too loyal lol i also find meta chasing cringe for a 20 year old game
BM and Survival ! 😀
ill be maining my fury/prot warrior as I have since 2004 I have alts but never mained anything else
How to pick your main my edition: Does the class have at least 4 different types of roles it can performed in? Yes, then go ahead and main it.
il stick to my paladin, and try to learn all 3 specs hate healing but got to give it a try 😀
Easy; WARLOCK. Why? WARLOCK. Job done.
You wanna play high keys? Pick mage or aug. You wanna raid? Do the same. You dont like mage? To bad play it anyways if you like invites. That said ill just play unholy/blood like i did for 15 years
Going Ret for the first time.
buddy we're all 30+, pick what you want. If you're still trying hard at WoW then you are a massive failure in life.
Gonna have to be DK for me. Unholy has been my bread and butter for years, I might make a monk alt tho… Because death and decay goes so well with chill and spiritual😂
I like to pick 1 main and 3 alts. For TWW I’m going with Unholy DK because I can off-spec Blood, and DK’s in general are shaping up to be a rarer spec looking at Reddit and forum trends. Icy Veins had an article on class popularity a few days ago that referenced them. My 3 alts will be Hunter (Marks), Rogue (Outlaw) and Warlock (Affliction). If something goes wrong with DK, one of the other three will be great, even if I have to pick a different spec like BM or Sub to do mythic raiding.
I am waiting to save up for a computer, I have my heart set on a Pandaren Monk, my secondary is a Pandaren Hunter.
My Warrior and Shaman is what I'll be playing. I don't enjoy playing either class but until they make Paladins, which is my favorite class, available to Orcs, my favorite race, they're all I got. I have tried to play Paladin with other races, but it just doesn't feel right to play a Paladin with them.
Prob ele shaman and frost mage monk is the last option my dps pref
Just dont play tank cuse to fix the healer problem bliz creat the tank problem
All i want to do is play Frost DK and have fun. I love the theme but gameplay and balance of Frost DK has been terrible since forever 😡
I main a brew master panderan monk. I've wanted to play that since MoP years ago but I couldn't afford a WoW subscription. My only issue is that the armor for monks suck compared to other classes.
"Make sure you like all the specs on a class." This is good advice. Its also the only reason I don't main a Warrior. I LOVE Fury. Fury is hands down my favorite spec. I HATE Arms, Arms is hands down my least favorite spec, and I don't like tanking. So I play Mage instead. Three flavors of epilepsy all are paced differently, feel unique, and flow nicely; plus Mage has great utility. Love me Mage. Simple as.
Can't wait to try totemic resto- they seem like such a reliable healer that can tackle most situations
i cant even decide if i wanna play ranged or melee 🙁
i play only DPS, but i main MM and BM hunter for a long time, until i tasted the power or Affli/Demo/destro lock and lately im playing fury warrior and Spriest. so i have a lot of option to pick, im gonna give Warlock a try at the start and see how it goes, maybe if i found that is not fun i will swap to Spriest or MM
whats elemental shamans like in tww always been a fan of the class animations.
imagine saying publicly that arcane is now easy to play 😀 that is donald trump level of truth 😀 😀 😀
Logged in as resto druid vanilla. Going to continue to do so.
you were spamming devastator(passive ability) as action bar 1 at 7:01??
monks gotta be the least played class 🙁
I don’t recommend picking flavour of the month – picks arcane mage :p.
No hate btw, I think I’m swapping mains to arcane 😀
I have chosen DK and Hunter
With the introduction of the warband I’m going to try not maining but banding. I’ve always played multiple characters, usually one of each armour type. One usually edges ahead and is more fun and that becomes the ‘main’. Agree with advice on don’t pick flavour of the month. With this kind of discussion I think a more basic question needs to be asked first – what content are you focusing on and how far do you want to push it. There are so many different ways to play the game and that is a major factor in role/class/race/spec choice from high end raider to limited time mythic pluser to PVPer to mount/transmog collector and many more.
I am gonna main Monk seems fun and the talents so far what i have seen look real fun. I have mained Ret-Pala and Assa-Rouge and Survival Hunter over the Last 2 Addons been switching between them every season. But now i will return for my Main class and spec from way back when it came out ^^ and im gonna stick to it the whole addon. And for my main twink i will either go Fury-Warrior or one of the DD specs from the Shaman since i never played a Shaman as a DD.
Survival Hunter, Frost or Arcane Mage, Demo Warlock, Some sort of Tank Class, undecided but likely Vengeance DH.
as somebody who has been a feral druid main for several years now… I decided going into TWW that I wanted to main something different. Was tired of always being at the bottom of every tier list LOL I created many new class/specs in remix to test.. I have decided on Unholy DK as my new main
Last time I mained a rdps was WoD so im switching to mage. Arcane had that rework and i like what they did to frost. Fire for me is meh. Ive always sucked at it. But then if i get bored I can learn fire and break up what im doing.
Still can’t pick a main
Just play what feels the most fun. Going by any video is pointless usually because these videos always get specs nerfed.
2:07 100% L take. The God Comp core classes have been pretty set for the last 2 yeas. They were not 'nerfed into the ground', in fact they were extremely viable and almost mandatory the entire expansion. They still bring the same buffs and that's not looking to change.
The whole 'burn out' take is false as well, there is a decent selection of the audience base who play to win. Fun for them is winning. Your idea of fun might be a particular rotation loop but for them it is winning and only winning. That is a fact and in ignoring that, you ignore a large player base.
Lastly you forget a large reason why people play FOTM classes and Meta is due to many players mostly PUGing and there's no point in playing the class you enjoy if you never actually get invited to play! That is a reality which you neglect to factor in here. People generally prefer picking meta classes, whether we agree with that or not it is what it is. Ignoring that doesn't serve your viewer base at all and it's misleading.
That entire section was just pulled out of thin air. Didn't watch the rest.
Holy Priest since '06. Never will change.
Is the mage and unholy death night easy to learn there rotion and spec?
Im trying to decide between druid, shaman, and paly lol. More towards paly and druid for the tank/heal combo
The most clickbait non informative video of the day!
survival hunter
caus i love melee but i also like hunter pets and stuff so i was gonna main dk but i have seens wod so it has gotten a bit boring