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Pine Trees in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10 □ Patreon: Pointless Top 10 Playlist: …
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Pine Trees in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10 □ Patreon: Pointless Top 10 Playlist: …
And then there is the Pineapple, which is not a pine tree and not even a tree but a plant. Good job English for naming things wrong !
Almost skipped this video because I feared it would sloppily conflate pines, firs, spruces, and conifers, spreading misinformation and corrupting young minds, but it looks like there's actually a surprising amount of research here.
I find it interesting how these are all just "pines trees" for english speakers, since these all very clearly spruces. Iirc Twilight Highlands does actually have some pines, but now I'm wondering if there even are enough pines in WoW for a top 10 list.
You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for content here. Maybe it's time for a break.
No Dun Morough. Criminal.
Okay, I really laughed out loud at multiple points of this! You're doing fantastic job on "in pointless things there's treasure" part!
I out loud shouted YES! These are the best videos! Bonus: we learnt about pine trees.
I am totally totally looking forward to your 10 most pointless corners of rooms in each zone videoes. Full sails and happy trails, fellow adventurers
can’t believe im actually learning about trees watching a pointless top ten
The lists get more pineless by the day!
What about the Pine Tree that stands in Orgrimmar and Iron Forge for Winter Veil? 🎄
i love you you always find something to do one of these on… cant wait for pointless to 10 hats
Someone might have commented this already…but one of the motif-y music tracks in Azure Span is called "Giants of the Span"! Which I assume is referencing the giant pine trees 😀
Christmas trees were snubbed
God I love this series
As an arborist, I gotta give you the slight correction on your tree facts. There are MANY different types of pine trees, subspecies and whatnot; but these are incredibly different than Spruce, Larch, Cedar, Juniper, or Fir. The only thing in common between some are Family and Order. Also, you cant really tell in a video game when its a pine or a fir or a sprice, etc etc.. it is in needle distinction, but you cant really tell from the game. Otherwise, good video, love the series, just thought I'd add that.
These top tens are so simple, but I love them so much.
Azure Span = Maine, if we had magic dragons instead of haunted small towns.
While I am a pine appreciator, I am patiently waiting for Top 10 Sycamore.
Haven't started watching yet but I'm guessing the number one is grizzly hills. That's my number one at least.
Thank you for the pointless tree education <3 We're so here for it.
As a Real Canadian I appreciate this video.
>explains the difference between pine, spruce and fir trees in depth
“So, you might ask which of the three this tree is? Well, I have no idea 😊”
After spending more than half my life living in the World of Warcraft Broken Isles is my favorite place to hang out.
now this is the content i pay the small bucks for
How about 'Top 10 Pointless Puddles' ?
The Grizzley hills, where the trees are alive and throwing more trees and boulders at other npc's
As a forester irl, I approve.
Crendor, I always learn something about something watching these videos lol WoW or real life knowledge. I salute you sir!
Sometimes i wonder if you are going to run out of idea's soon, but the possibilities are clearly endless!
The list might be pointless but I learned a lot about trees.
this video was pointless
if you put his on x2 he sounds like ben shapiro
Surprised the Ironforge/orgrimmar christmas tree isn't on here 😮
thanks for the pine tree lesson. It's great to have refreshed tree knowledge, especially going into the holidays. Keep the mundane facts coming!
The art team of old and now are amazing
Dude look us up on holy crit bleeding hollow. We PvP mostly but I pve too
i love this series so much.
There was some excitement out of me. "I'm sure you remember that from Pointless Turtles." YOU'RE RIGHT. I DO KNOW THAT! I LEARNED SOMETHING! AND IT RETAINED! Thank you Crendor for the pointless knowledge that makes life less pointless.
This list is so pinetless I don’t think I can finish it
Bruh the differences between Pinaceae gave me flashbacks to field botany and memorizes the family, scientific and common names
Have you done a pointless top 10 gazebos?
Whan I woke up this morning and played crendors video I did not expect to learn about pine trees. A win for Crendor!
One of my fav pointless top 10s lol
The pine tree guy at blizzard is so excited this video finally acknowledged their hard work
Pointless Top Ten Shrubberies next?
Got wood?
Thx crendor its cool