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Pointless Top 10 Tornadoes in World of Warcraft
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
I always thought the tornadoes in the skybox of the Maw of Souls dungeon in Legion once you're on the boat were pretty cool, and also a bit spooky lookin.
"One of the most popular tornadoes in movie history"
Frigging woppletingers at it again oooooooo swear on thrall
i'm surprised there were no hippo tornadoes
I found an Invisible Rabbit in the DF plains! Can’t tell you where it is though, lost sight of it.
#5 was the first one I thought of!
I feel called out by that fairweather Philadelphia Warriors hat comment. lol…
EDIT: I was hoping Tito was a reference to Tito Watts 🙁
EDIT2: A bunch of people killing sht is always amazing in MMOs. 🙂
you tell them crendor they can make there own list
whoa, careful with the educational bits. Comes extremely close to content
Wow! What a twist!
yea I know what you mean Crendor 😀
I can already tell this video is of EXTREMELY high production value because Crendor edited in the Warriors hat for the fairweather spout.
How about top 10 corpses / skeletons?
Crendor shouldn't have to explain himself during Pointless Top Ten at this point. We all knew what we signed up for when we clicked this video
hello? kiting Thunderaan to orgrimmar?
08:44 Glad I’m not the only one saying Walking Shore instead of Waking Shore. Waking Shore sounds too close to Broken Shore imo.
Please never stop doing these as long as you're making content.
It's not only relaxing and nostalgic to watch, but unlike you always claim, they are not at all pointless.
I love that we get to see smaller, more intricate details of the game being appreciated. No wonder you've got an NPC. Imagine the joy of the blizz employees who are making these details, when they are seeing all this appreciation for things that make a barren video game filled with life and love.
I'm sure the average player doesn't stop and observe light poles, even though it adds to the experience for them too, the amount of work in them often goes unnoticed.
Your videos help with that tremendously, and I bet they inspire world builders as well.
I'm sure you know all this, but I want to reassure it because when this series ends, wow truly died by then.
Your videos reveals amazing aspects of wow that we have previously missed. It makes you embrace the world more.
I don’t understand how your top tens aren’t more popular. I love them and your sense of humor and I hope you keep making them for as long as WoW is around ❤
What bout the maelSTORM?
I never noticed there were so many tornadoes 😂
6:05 number 6 fun fact, the 2 cows were targetable at first which was good for classes like shadow priest where you could use them to get 2 shadow orbs before a boss fight.
A fun fact about #4. You can get a drink from the Black Prince's Conclave (or what ever) and toss it in the tornado and it will spin a Skylander drink (Whirlwind Wine). It's part of a quest to get a Spryo pet (Spryogos). It's all part of A Dragon's Day Off quest. You gather up drinks named after Activision's other dragon based property, Skylanders. (including Pop Fizz Punch, Stealth Elven Punch and so on.)
10:17 Pointless top tens are supposed to be pointless?!?! OMG mindblown… 🤣🤣
This whole video is point-list…… 😛
just realized how meta ptt is
Crendor these are not murlocs in the Waking Shores. They are gorlocs or gurlocs. We kinda have a soup vs stew situation here.
There goes Dust Devil
Whaaaat? No Thunderfury boss mention?! :O Thunderaan himself, the windlord! Shameful! 😛
Top 10 Skybeams?
you should do top 10 pointless insect swarms!!!
Love pointless things.
Wouldn't #1 be the Maelstrom? I mean in terms of power, magnitude, and significance?
so waiting for Bill finding his way to Dragon isles :D… could be great stuff xD
Sometimes when crendor rambles I realize how little words he actually knows
You forgot The Maelstrom, Crend 😢
Have you made a video about bags yet?
Hey tank you for going over that last one! I stopped playing right after the launch of Shadowlands. (New baby, mental health and Bastion being hell on my light sensitivity) So I never got to see this when it came out. I'm just now getting back into the game (a bit obsessed with classic though, I'm a wrath baby) and I am bummed with all the stuff I missed, it can't be helped BUT I really appreciate that you put this in here so I could see it <3
I'm crying at the Golden State hat wearing waterspout 😂😂😂
'is notoriety paper?' ily lmfao
7:15 Not to popular with witches in the east, I hear.
Those elemental storms were fun. I got sick of them at the time because I did way too many, but now I wish they’d come back.