Pointless Top 10: Windmills in World of Warcraft

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Windmills in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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21 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Windmills in World of Warcraft”

  1. One kinda weird aspect about Warcraft is that a lot of the things that you just kinda assume are "European medieval" about early vanilla WoW assets, like farmhouses and windmills, are actually weirdly 19th century American west-styled. You mentioned the windmill-pumps for water, but if you look at some of the houses or the barns, they definitely draw more on Americana than anything medieval. It's weird and neat once you notice it. This probably also influenced how common mesas and canyons and pairie-like environments are in the game.

  2. Having been around azeroth for 20 years, I can safely say the BFA was actually a solid expansion… if you forget most of what you knew about sylvanas and see her as some new enemy doing enemy things. If you just forget about her, BFA was pretty good. (Ok and a lot of the azerite stuff).

    Shadowlands, however… yeah what a complete cluster that was. Only good thing about it was the art team of course.

    Edit: And WTF I have played twin peaks BG many times and NEVER noticed that wind mill. Wow.

  3. During Warcraft 2 the Horde used enslaved Red Dragons as their primary air unit. In the lore the Dragonmaw Clan kidnapped Alexstrasza, forced her to mate with her consort for more eggs, and used the Dragon Soul to enslave them. It's probably one of the more fucked up things in WoW's lore.

  4. It would seem to reason that the windmill would have a mill inside, granted i am profoundly ignorant in the ways of windmills.

    There's one in the beginning of Flight of Dragons that kills a duck. And then those drunks laugh at the Green Wizard


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