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World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary is here with patch 11.0.5! No need to even own the War Within, come join in all the fun new timewalking dungeons and raids, events, world bosses and make sure you know exactly how to get all the rewards you want! Like the reworked T2 armor sets (new judgment set included), new mounts and transmog, pets and more!
► Moudi’s Bronze Guide:
Maximize Your Weekly Gear in WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event
► Wowhead Articles
The World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Event Overview
Transform Into Famous Characters During the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration
War Within Patch 11.0.5 Patch Notes – 20th Anniversary Celebration
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00:00 Intro
02:53 Anniversary Bronze & Intro Quests
04:12 Tanaris Celebration Hub (Mount Off etc)
05:40 Weekly Quests for Bronze
06:36 Blackrock Depths Raid
07:23 Timewalking: Classic Dungeons
08:15 Gates of Ahn’Qiraj
09:44 Korrak’s Revenge Battleground
10:55 Rewards: New T2 sets
12:17 Rewards: New and Returning Vendors
13:21 Rewards: 30th Anniversary Backpieces (Trading Post)
13:39 New Dracthyr Classes
13:55 11.0.5 Story and Quests
Hi team! It looks like the repeatable daily quests for Bronze that we mention in this vid don't pop until you earn the "Token Collector" achievement (from earning 100 tokens), so our estimates for the first couple of weeks are off. After the achivement is earned, though, it'll bring those numbers more into line. Sorry about that!
lol at this point this is a business not for fun.
Nah, I care nothing about Tier whatever; I want pets, mounts, and toys.
So for Korraks revenge you get the mount just for finishing the battleground?? i did it and i didnt get the mount? am i doing something wrong?
Thank you for the video. I’m Day 1 here and I’m overwhelmed lol
3 pgs – 3 vaults – SEVEN FUCKIN RINGS -PoE2 incoming : BYE BYE BLIZZARD
btw, this ad for the National Theatre popped up on the next video I watched. @TaliesinEvitel I know you're a fan of Aneurin Bevan:
"Following it's critically acclaimed debut, Nye with Michael Sheen will stream free on YouTube from 7pm GMT 7 November until 11 November. "–d5bXSY
I'm a little confused. You said it's possible to get 3 tokens per day from the little games like Mount mania, story time etc but I can't see a quest to pick up today? Or is it just comlete the thing and get the coin? Also is that once per account per day or per character? Ta
Imagine if Blizzard spent all the time that they're spending on these stupid anniversary/mini game events on fixing actual issues with the fundamentals of the game…
How do the fun events like mount frenzy give you tokens? Cause they don't, i mean i did them like 6 – 8 times per day today, yesterday and so on and i didn't get a single token?
honestly I am torn with wow due to what you and others reported. I like the expansion but from what you and others reported the job cuts seem to be too much from microsoft leadership that has hurt the game overall the past 3 weeks. This direction is bad for the game overall health with bugs, bots and seems like not as many bans as before. If this continues I can't keep playing many microsoft games going forward. I hope someone looks into this since this is a bad look.
Jesus this channel is unbearable. It's presented like a show for 5 yr olds
Feel like there is hate on PvP lol
2:48 Thank you for clarifying which one was you, I wasn't quite sure.
Celebrate Good Fun isn't daily though, I haven't gotten it more than once on my main…
Are all of these coin sources once per warband or are any of them repeatable on alts?
The vault sucks ass. And the evoker sr too very poor the death knight also sucks both Are Not as well done as the monk that really looks awesome
Is "Celebrate Good Fun" daily? I've only been able to pick it up once, so I assume it's actually a weekly quest…
• Las transfiguraciones remasterizadas.
• La montura nueva que se saca por logro.
• El valle de Alterac (si te gusta el pvp es divertido y puedes conseguir una montura muy difícil en su día).
El resto es paja, contenido reciclado:
– Una raid completamente descompensada, que han chetado a propósito para tener a la gente más tiempo jugando, ves grupos de 620++ wipear siendo más difícil que la raid actual en mítico, de aquí a 2 semanas le pondrán un nivel más acorde y no el sinsentido que es actualmente.
– Un desbalanceo de clases brutal, chetando aún más al mago, al dk y al chaman (que ya eran meta) y nerfeando al pobre warrior por 4a vez consecutiva.
– Un boost de experiencia, para tener entretenida a la gente subiendo alters, (que está bien jugando en grupo pero solo es una mierda). Y se hagan un pj meta ya de paso.
– Una montura de brutosaurio en la tienda por 78 pavazos…. por la cara, unos 2 millones si usas fichas xddddddd
– Mas mierdas que haces en 1 día, siendo un evento de 2 meses y medio ….
Personalmente, me parece bastante mediocre, me quedo con una sensación agridulce, como que intentan sacar el máximo rendimiento económico con el mínimo esfuerzo posible, de no importarle sus jugadores, solo el dinero. He visto eventos EN SERVIDORES PIRATA, HACE 10 AÑOS, hechos con más contenido y con mas cariño que este. En fin, no quiero desmotivaros esto es solo una review, cada uno que juegue como mas le divierta. Un abrazo a todos.
I mean…got my spymasters (Hero) from the vault, not even mad
From what you said there i can get almost 70 tokens per day? wtf
Been playing with vanilla. Contemporary wow is just simply an underfunded, uninspired money grab. Gross, sell out.
God this is awful
they are so cute. I want what they have so bad
this guide is bad and wrong. you need to edit this video and reupload.
that is sooo annoying the first 1 min….
My five timewalking dungeons were ALL Stratholme…
You're doing a fantastic job! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
this montage is garbage, i couldnt stay longer than 2min
wow… how fun..
where did this guy count 91 currency per week XD
celebrate good fun isnt daily