Pointless Top 10: Winter Spots in World of Warcraft

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Winter Spots in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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27 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Winter Spots in World of Warcraft”

  1. This is the cosiest and most wholesome top 10 so far! Absolutely love all the winter aesthetics in these spots, all the pine trees and snow. Thank you for being the best travel guide in Azeroth. Merry Christmas 🎄

  2. Not even playing WoW anymore but still enjoying the PTT! Keep it up man, there is NOTHING too pointless for a pointless list. You should do vista's. My favorite is sitting up on the rocks on top of the falls overlooking Camp Mojache in Feralas

  3. To share a small story from my youth. A friend of mine got me into the beta for World of Warcraft. I had made a Dwarf warrior named Flimflam and of course was placed into Dun Morogh. The aesthetic, the music (two specific tracks in particular), I was lost in Winter. I worked at a convenience store and would have to stock the walk-in cooler when things were slow in the recycling center I ran in the back. Stepping into that cooler immediately put me into Dun Morogh. I'd be itching to return home to play more. There was a brand of beer, "Icehouse" that was a silver can with blue print of this winterscape and a cottage in the front. Everything brought me back to Dun Morogh. Until I'd get home, login, and hear that music again. To this day out of any Winter/snow themed area in any game, it remains my favorite.

  4. the cold fog in Dragonblight makes me feel cold and damp looking at it. To this day when it gets like that out here SO and I will check in like "Is it Hoth cold or Dragonblight cold outside?" "Dragonblight cold" "too cold to go out!"

  5. This was the perfect video to watch while I ate my potato soup tonight. I was surprised that anything could beat Winterspring (I mean, it's in the name), but you've absolutely convinced me. I'd love to see more like this!

  6. I take it that sledding area and that other mountain weren't in classic WOW, dun morogh. Are they only accessible now that there's flying in the old world? Just wondering since I don't ever remember seeing those areas.


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