POV you play warrior in shadowlands

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ignore me trying to charge out of vortex ty


15 thoughts on “POV you play warrior in shadowlands”

  1. Hey man been watching since like unclaimed box #45, i know its been a rough patch recently with the boxes but maybe for the new year you could attempt a necro warrior pvp guide just hitting some basic things such as rotation in arena, when to intervene, etc… I play a necro warrior and i have not been able to find much of any interesting warrior guides but i feel you could tackle it easily.

    Best of luck and happy holidays – mav

  2. Merry christmas man, hopefully Santa is kind to you and your boxes! Enough coal (patterns) for this year. Head to the border of Howling Fjord and Grizzly hills, where the snow is. There you might open a great gift!

  3. next time show mage when press one button and kill target
    Next time show who dont have regen hp
    This hunter is bad player backpedaling and player pve he undestand fight vs files only no vs real players
    Look only arms 0 regen hp


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