Pre Patch Squish! WHAT HAPPENED to my toons?! (World of Warcraft: Shadowlands) #WoW

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Here’s a video explaining very briefly the most noticeable parts of the pre-patch squish. Some fun / exciting information and a recommendation if you plan to make new alts.

Would love to hear your thoughts or concerns in pre-patch before we head to Shadowlands!

Are you still farming your same dungeons? Have you noticed any loopholes or odd results of the changes? Sound off in the comments!


2 thoughts on “Pre Patch Squish! WHAT HAPPENED to my toons?! (World of Warcraft: Shadowlands) #WoW”

  1. Actually, I'm alot less powerful… I used to be able to do the hounds on heroic with my bear easily. Now, I barely can live through normal mode so… yea it's sucking for me right now..


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