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Join Kali taking us through a beginners guide for Preservation Evoker, the new healing class coming in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight! Read our Evoker Dragonflight Summary for both DPS & Healer
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Channel Manager & Editor – Connor
► Chapters
0:00 Intro
0:14 Disclaimer
0:36 Dungeon Talents
01:47 Raiding Talents
02:26 Stat Priority
02:46 Dungeon Rotation
03:52 Raiding Rotation
05:40 Burst Healing
06:17 Defensives & Externals
06:53 Mobility
07:39 Pros
08:14 Cons
09:36 Outro
how come i got only 25 p[oints to spend ,she spent 31
Now that echo is an instant cast it is an amazing ability that I essentially use on cooldown. It will duplicate your bronze HoT on the tank, duplicate the HoT off Deep Breath (for a total of 4 HoTs if stacked) or duplicate Spiritbloom for a massive heal on everyone (in M+ because of the 100% outside of raid) Ive been really loving Preservation and this video is wonderful but I had to put my 2 cents in on the Echo ability!
I just understood the life binder and communion combo thanks to you, nice. I like your UI setup, can you share that? The pop timers on the short cds is nice.
can you level a healer spec without dying every few seconds?
Sch ssszzhh schzzz szzschszsch… Sorry my ears…. The Microphone is terrible
Thanks. Great video. It’s the most unique healer I have played. Getting your head around it is a brain fart. Especially after maining a holy priest 😅
can we get the options of your healbot plz ?
Actually showed me an interaction I had no idea about and the video flowed really well. Will definitely look forward to more as time goes on. 😊
I have not seen anyone ask this before. but does rewind resurrect the dead?
So you gon DPS and also heal?
Think I have to unmain my holly pally for the 1st time ever .
I don't know what your saying half the time.
daadaddadada this voice, no thanks bye
Why expunge don't dispel shadow claws from nathrezim in mitics – shadowlands?
Thanks for the video, im on the fence at the moment whether or not to stick to resto sham 😀
I'd be very interested in a detailed overview of how you have your bars set up. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the number of abilities and would love to see other people's logic in how they are bound.
Great stuff, but the script is read so fast and soft it's quite hard to follow. This is a guide and not a race to first guide so no need to stress.
Those S'es could cut through steel
great guide, but needs a de-esser on the audio. ouchie.
Hey Kali I have a question how hard was it for you to adapt. I've played disc soo the dosing too heal is kind of second nature but I recently made a new evoker to heal and I must say the. Button overload got me. Lol 🤣 how do you do it?
Had to turn on subtitles….
Super helpful, thanks for the great guide 🙂
great guide with great tips. never thought to combo binder and communion. 10/10
great overview, I had no idea how to play heals yet but it doesn't look that bad as a class
Yea good pointers and good video, i just picked up this class and i can see it has some pretty great potential and a pretty high skill ceiling with what it can do.
Are evokers good for farming like druids?
Appreciate the content, I did find it hard to clearly hear what was said, slow it down a touch or articulate it more. Nowt bad just a constructive view.
I have a quick question, How do you make it easier for you to see the hp of others? It is my first time being a healer and it is very difficult for me to look to the left at the hp bar, and even more so when they are with the default model and not the one like the one in the video?
This is wonderful but I really wish you'd speak a bit slower because its difficult to understand the inflections of your speech/accent. Thank you!!! <3 <3
appreciated 🙂 was clear and straighforward
Does anyone know what healing addon she is using here?
What’s the add on you are using to have your party in the big blocks? I like that a lot and would like to get it
Top notch voice and audio quality! I'm trying to get into podcasting but struggle with a monotone and boring voice, but you really make a soft, colorful and unique sound work.
What is that click grid you use?
Hey anyone knows what’s the add on that we see ont the video where we see the life of allies and can target them from there?
Seems too complicated. I just wanted some easy relaxing gaming…
Having never properly healed except for trying druid in legion and not liking it much, I'm interested in taking a peak at evoker. Buddy said the dps spec wasn't much fun but claimed the healer spec is supposedly stupid simple which lord knows I'd need. Guess I'll see if that's a bad idea.
im soooo confused :(!
Is this still acurate?
hi i love you video , where i can get that WA that you use with the evoker ? or is an ELVui ?
After watching four minutes, I feel like I already need to know how to play evoker to understand this guide.
These empowered abilities feel so foreign, trying to adjust to. I'm only playing evoker because I have delayed playing the new hero class everytime and regretted it. I want to try healing but this healing seems very different to any other healing.