Previously In World of Warcraft Cinematic (Reaction)

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10 thoughts on “Previously In World of Warcraft Cinematic (Reaction)”

  1. Contrary as what your guy in chat said, she was not controlled this all time by the jailer ^^". She was an "ally" of him with him giving her a part of his power. But yeah she didn't know all of his plan.
    However, the jailer had the other part of her soul that Arthas shattered when he killed her with Frostmourn. So when she got back that part of her soul, she turned back as the real Sylvanas when she was alive. But still a forsaken :p but nice now not evil ^^

    And the discussion that you saw with Anduin she had her soul back at this moment, and she was making amend by saving all the souls in the maw that she sacrifice before.

  2. Magni is the Speaker for Azeroth because he did an ancient ritual to communicate with the planet. it turned him into Crystal, but upon needing him, she awakened him and thus when he started communicating on her behalf. he wouldnt awaken however until about late Warlords.

  3. 3:15 – the IDEA of Shadowlands generated a TON of Hype, but Blizzard's execution was poor, as we had 4 total zones that we could go to. on top of that Story was Timegated, Gear was Timegated AND Expensive, the Systems SUCKED ass and there was a ton of hoops that had to be jumped through on a weekly basis. it was literal HELL…

  4. 6:15 – that JJB idiot needs to be banned… Sylvanas was never CONTROLLED by The Jailer. she was Manipulated Emotionally and Deceived by the bald bastard. by manipulating events that had taken place since Wrath when she threw herself off Icecrown, he convinced her that Free Will was an illusion, that everything that had ever happened to her in her life AND undeath was FATED to happen. worst of all he used the fact that she was sent to the Maw and told her that there was never any way that she was going to see her kid brother again, that most of all pushed her into even hearing what he had to say. sadly all of this was Leather Bound and denied us until long after the expansion's story had taken place. yes, they had important character motivations written OUTSIDE of the game!

  5. The thing to realize about Wow is that a lot of people's impressions of an expansion have a lot to do with things that happened in later patches or raids, or design decisions like how gear is set up. As for leveling and the questing experience (the stuff you've been doing), they ALWAYS knock it out of the park. Shadowlands was a bad expansion overall, but the questing and the zones were some of the best in the game's history. No matter how the War Within will be remembered, it's a safe bet that the leveling experience when the game launches will be absolutely amazing.

  6. Sylvanas was not being controlled, that is her whole character point. She is all about fighting for free will and stuff. She was allied with the Jailer because she thought that if she broke the death system every people would be free to choose how they will live and what they will do after they die. But she didnt know all of The Jailer's motives so she turns on him and help Anduin get out. That scene that played when you asked why she let him go is after we beat the Jailer and when we punish Sylvanas for what she has done

  7. Dragonflights storyline, extended each patch cycle, so you many have missed the end? Question: Did you go into the emerald grove to seed the next world tree to create the new night elf city? If not, head back in for an epic storyline.


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