What should happen 1. Sargeras used Zovaal and the Mawsworn as proxies to make everyone believe the secret evil society is crushed. 2. Sargeras made a partnership with Denathrius after his encounter with the Void Nathrezim 3. Sargeras destroyed the Pantheon of Disorder and consumed their essences. 4. Zovaal's actions in Zereth Mortis caused the instability in all the other Zereths making way for the cosmos' disordering 5. Zovaal thinks he manipulated Sargeras. However, it is the other way around. 6. Sargeras is known for his cunning and strategic mind. He doesn't have to be a Titan ++ in order to be intimidating.
Why tf must Bolvar apologies to anyone? He literally made the biggest sacrifice there is and Talia is like “ Well if you were just dead it would be simple” “we made sacrifice too”. Like cmon you weren’t burn alive and didn’t hold the undead army by will
"But it wasnt just you who made the sacrefice. IT was the rest of us too. Who loved you". He alone made this sacrefice, I'm pretty sure he wasn't texting them , guys im gonna be Lich King really quick are we on board? What the fuck. He made this sacrefice alone don't take the credit from him please, and why on the earth he should apologize for something noble like this. Who the fuck wrote this dialogue? 😀 argghhhh
Love this game
Bolvar & Taelia discussion should have been in prepatch ..
Maw-Walker: So…. It’s not kinky magic?
Primus: NO…..-_-
What should happen
1. Sargeras used Zovaal and the Mawsworn as proxies to make everyone believe the secret evil society is crushed.
2. Sargeras made a partnership with Denathrius after his encounter with the Void Nathrezim
3. Sargeras destroyed the Pantheon of Disorder and consumed their essences.
4. Zovaal's actions in Zereth Mortis caused the instability in all the other Zereths making way for the cosmos' disordering
5. Zovaal thinks he manipulated Sargeras. However, it is the other way around.
6. Sargeras is known for his cunning and strategic mind. He doesn't have to be a Titan ++ in order to be intimidating.
So the Domination Magic is like Anti Life Equation from DC, basically It rewrite the purpose of self control.
NEW Raid 9.2: https://youtu.be/FOX1Iu54jAI
NEW Campaign 9.2: https://youtu.be/r6jXZPEAAho
NEW Cutscenes 9.2: https://youtu.be/9RN0H8Z3XnM
NEW Models 9.2: https://youtu.be/wJqrBOtv_-A
I like thia new conversation text style..wish they do this in cutscene style
Pls don't skip so much next time
Wait what happened to Arthas is he gone
Conversation like this is everything in Wc3 thats why people love it.
And shitty blizz development team still hasnt realize what we like since wc3.
Thrall: I miss Nagrand and Orgrimmar
Players: Yeah bro, we miss it too
Why tf must Bolvar apologies to anyone? He literally made the biggest sacrifice there is and Talia is like “ Well if you were just dead it would be simple” “we made sacrifice too”. Like cmon you weren’t burn alive and didn’t hold the undead army by will
Glad we're finally getting to see Taelia and Bolvar interact more
Arthas Menethil will retun in Shadowlands
If they keep the new reforged Lich King helmet like it is then Blizz will have a huge riot on their hands.
"But it wasnt just you who made the sacrefice. IT was the rest of us too. Who loved you". He alone made this sacrefice, I'm pretty sure he wasn't texting them , guys im gonna be Lich King really quick are we on board? What the fuck. He made this sacrefice alone don't take the credit from him please, and why on the earth he should apologize for something noble like this. Who the fuck wrote this dialogue? 😀 argghhhh