Read more about Shadowlands ➜
In the Shadowlands, every soul has its place—from the path of ascension among the spires of Bastion to an eternity of torment in the depths of the Maw. Choose where your destiny lies.
Enter the Shadowlands on November 23 at 3:00pm PST. Learn more at
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New trailer showcases new graphics style toggle in the system settings?
This will be the first expansion I will never buy. WoW has lost me with BFA and I could never look at wow the same.
Looks like overwatch
Wow,i never imagined that <<The Nun>> its part of the World of Warcraft's history 1:34
Aww look it's illidan's cousins all evil again, the last fat guy is probably his uncle
The flying necropoli… Loved it!!!
"Revendreth is where souls can be redeemed"
Winter Queen's face looks like Imhotep's face from The Mummy
the jailer looks really really badass i love it !
Holy black bars batman… why blizzard….
Venthyr. . . .Mm m …
Nice, but seems very un-story driven for a cinematic trailer
Didn't knew Tai Lung is main villain of the expansion, i should start leveling my pandaren monk
Phenetic maybe those grandpas loving LK are going to play this poor ex… I want my money back xD
Welp, finally happened. I can't recognize anyone from the old Warcraft in this trailer, and I couldn't find the will to care despite the cinematic, which is usually the highlight of the expansion.
In BfA, I finally uninstalled WoW, and now after this I think I can finally move on. Goodbye Blizzard, it's been fun while it lasted.
Sheesh thats cool
Like, I hate saying this. But I think this is actually the first time a Wow Cinematic has been bad.
This should've always been the cinematic trailer. It's so much better than the Sylvannas one.
Thats a good cinematic for shadowlands
0:13–0:16 hello Illidan!
I hope the game feels half as good as one of these trailers.
Not hype anymore,
WOTLK cinemnatic is the best
“My son the day u were born the very forest of lorderon whispered the name, Arthas”
1.general-chat lorderon /w arthas
Looks cool, but compared to other cinematics is pretty meh. The jailer being jailed is kinda anti-climatic. Just doesn't feel right.
What if shadowlands was delayed because they couldn't finish this trailer fast enough
In-game Jailer is better, imo
Getting strong BC trailer vibes from this ❤️
Shadowlands is just a metaphor for the wow community enslaved by Activision aka the jailer. Torghast is the neverending grind through the next stupid system.
1:20 Legolas' dad is in the Shadowlands? nice!
more 1:23 "CAST HIM INTO THE MAW" moments pls
Pretty mundane to be honest.
That sound 1:24 – 1:25 reminds me of Dark (netflix) so much!
Cool cinematic! Hope you paid your devs enough to afford rent and food this month! 🙂
The Jailer vs Tai Lung
good graphic but thats all …. it didnt make me to say "wow" … sorry for honest
Is it just me, or did the jailer not seem overly bothered? His voice here just seemed very 'eh'. It all looked great though. <3 Ardenweald.
Hmmmm is this WoW 2.0 graphics looks nice 😀
Can we go back to best in class end of zone cinematics like we had in Legion? BFA's zones ended with a floppy mouth bad lip sync drizzle
Sick trailer, I'm a lot more excited for this expansion then I have been for other's
I wonder what baldy will say about this
Easily the weakest intro cinematic in WoW history.
we now mobile game boys
Meh…didn't do it for me. I mean the graphics were amazing but the rest of it was just..meh. I actually think this was the least hyping CGI opener of all expansions.
first time that blizzard cinematic doesnt give me goosebumps :/