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Professions will be updated in Dragonflight to bring a great focus on specialization. Invest in your profession and become the best in your community with work orders. Learn more at #Dragonflight #Warcraft
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Sounds cool but knowing the minmax culture of the community this is going to be messy
Can't wait for the guild revamp……..Oh wait
Sounds good.
Talk to the viewers please
Greetings from FF14
The fact that they are talking to the player, but looking each other in the eyes… super uncomfortable and alien.
It would be cool to see the First Aid Profession return instead of being locked behind Tailoring oh and also where's the news for Archology given the fact there's like Archology gear showcase or atleast blacksmithing and mining. But overall more awesome fun new stuff the better.
Should have made crafting tables like Ro2.
we need remove power infusion and other external buffs from game. no discussion
Looks interesting, but it is too late. My time to play is committed elsewhere, you ashoud have done this back in Panderia.
This actually makes me wana play the game again. Just hope it's well implemented
You basically just copied Albion online 🙄 ( A way better game)
Hey guys… We're over here *waves from within the camera*…
I'm betting that since they're introducing item quality that means crafting will be much more interactive like it is in FFXIV. If that's the case I'm probably never unsubscribing again.
Crafting has been neglected since Warlords of Draenor and even then it fell short. This game has always been just good enough and could be so much more.
Do they really have to stage all of this conversations between them xD? It's weird way to show new update's
wow is so far behind the curve now, and its embarassing compaired to ffxiv crafting and gathering
Bring freaking professions buff back.. The leg enchant and back enchants from tailoring and LW.. Stamina buff from Mining etc.
if these two are behind the game its doomed.
This might be the update that brings me back………
world of warcraft went from massive MMORPG to single player fantasy game
I'm so confused – aren't they both working on the same game?
Wow, awesome guys
Im glad they learntt from new world cuz the one thing that game did right was crafting
Hopefully it will include the older content crafting from each expansion.
It looks so cringe when they explain stuff they already know to each other and to make it even worse they keep nodding all the time.
This sounds familiar…
Please merge secondary and primary professions already
Sounds good, will actually be the worst thing you've ever seen in wow. Trust me I've been playing for 15 years
Thank you team!!!!
Yeah baby! Dragon flight might save the game
Lineage 2 paso y dijo que aflojen un poco la mano con el choreo.
Wow pr team has to be the worst shait in the world. So fake it makes me want to puke
Does all crafting start from zero?
Unrelated to crafting but .. why are these people talking to each other and not the camera? It's so off-putting. Why do you have to be weird, Blizz?
why are they talking to themselves and not to the camera lol
why are they talking to each other? aren't we the ones who need the info?
this didnt turn out well……