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This channel is the passion project of a lifelong gamer. I am a nerd at heart who has a weird obsession for numbers, sales and marketing (hence enjoying making gold in Warcraft!)
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#Shadowlands #Goldmaking #Manthieus
Very helpful thanks. How much have you managed to buy yours for and how many do you have stockpiled? 🙂
there's one thing i've seen so far that might change the pace of the game: one research in encryption console (or whatever it's called), that increases ur chance for obtaining pog essense. no idea how it's gonna work, but just sharing what i found. cheers
First day you can use these it will dry up fast they may even run out on most realms as these is no way to easily get them in bulk.
btw, has anyone got solid answer for skinning? is there any chance to get essenses? i believe, no chance, but who knows ^^
I would think that just as many players are holding on to their Progenitor Essentia as players who are trying to sell theirs on the Auction House instead.
I got one from the rare Thetos. He is an earth elemental and can be mined after he is killed. He also drops a large (7 / 9) amount of progenium ore. I have tried killing and mining the lil earth elementals. But nothing so far after 30 odd kills. Though those also drop a decent amount of progenium it seems.
pattern within pattern is good way to get them and i guess each player atleast got one from it by now
and since each player need only 3 of them to get full geared by week 3 i think 5-10 k price is balanced
Couple things to keep in mind about supply of these:
1. Blizz increased the supply of Korthite Crystals a month after 9.1 came out to help lower the cost of high-end legendaries. We could see a similar tweak.
2. When flying is unlocked there will be another uptick in supply as people can reach 1 time chests that they couldn't (or were too lazy to) before and herb/mining farmers will be faster
So I anticipate the price will go up for the next 3-4 weeks, then drop a fair chunk but still be valuable. That value will slowly diminish until demand drops off in a few months.
I believe i got one from a respawning chest. I think it was a cypher-bound chest but I'm not 100% certain.
blizz will up the rate
I think you are correct.
I also suspect Blizzard will increase the drop rate and/or add them to the reward for the Patterns (3 day) quest turn in …. just like they did with Korthite crystals.
I am on a high pop realm and the even if people are just banking these there are not enough on the AH to last more than a week (between legendary crafts + 1 262 – that's 2 needed per customer – minimally … assuming they don't want back up items or multiple leggos).
I feel like right now it's such a huge bottleneck that the drop rare will almost certainly be adjusted like korthite crystals were
Got 1 today from opening the chest from the Bi-weekly quest.
Pogcoin to the MOON 🚀🌑
I like your videos, but all of your video have very low volumn, can u crank it a little bit?
To the moon.
Dunno what happend on first 2 days, there were LOTS of them at AH, like over 200-300 and they were sold cheap for price around 4k, and now only 50ish left and all are over 9k 10 k and more…
I’ve been farming these like a madman (at least it feels like it). I’ve gotten then from mining 3 times and treasures 7 times for a total of 10. There’s only about 30 on the AH at any given time ranging from 10k to 20k on Horde-Blackrock
this shit will go to 30k easy
Reading these comments and some people have many! I got one fishing for the strange goop. That's it! Looting all the treasures, mining any node that I come across, etc. Alot of that time is with the small buff. I must just be unlucky so far 😕
8k on mine so I purchased 235 k of the things now 25k each…got 2 from chests that saved till I had the buff for more proc chance
Ballooned from a low of 6k to 25k right now on US-Frostmourne. Bought about 50 when they were low so made a nice chunk of gold, but still think/hope that the drop rate will be increased on these.