Progenitor Essentia – What is it worth? | Shadowlands Goldmaking

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23 thoughts on “Progenitor Essentia – What is it worth? | Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. there's one thing i've seen so far that might change the pace of the game: one research in encryption console (or whatever it's called), that increases ur chance for obtaining pog essense. no idea how it's gonna work, but just sharing what i found. cheers

  2. I got one from the rare Thetos. He is an earth elemental and can be mined after he is killed. He also drops a large (7 / 9) amount of progenium ore. I have tried killing and mining the lil earth elementals. But nothing so far after 30 odd kills. Though those also drop a decent amount of progenium it seems.

  3. pattern within pattern is good way to get them and i guess each player atleast got one from it by now
    and since each player need only 3 of them to get full geared by week 3 i think 5-10 k price is balanced

  4. Couple things to keep in mind about supply of these:
    1. Blizz increased the supply of Korthite Crystals a month after 9.1 came out to help lower the cost of high-end legendaries. We could see a similar tweak.
    2. When flying is unlocked there will be another uptick in supply as people can reach 1 time chests that they couldn't (or were too lazy to) before and herb/mining farmers will be faster

    So I anticipate the price will go up for the next 3-4 weeks, then drop a fair chunk but still be valuable. That value will slowly diminish until demand drops off in a few months.

  5. I think you are correct.

    I also suspect Blizzard will increase the drop rate and/or add them to the reward for the Patterns (3 day) quest turn in …. just like they did with Korthite crystals.

    I am on a high pop realm and the even if people are just banking these there are not enough on the AH to last more than a week (between legendary crafts + 1 262 – that's 2 needed per customer – minimally … assuming they don't want back up items or multiple leggos).

  6. Dunno what happend on first 2 days, there were LOTS of them at AH, like over 200-300 and they were sold cheap for price around 4k, and now only 50ish left and all are over 9k 10 k and more…

  7. I’ve been farming these like a madman (at least it feels like it). I’ve gotten then from mining 3 times and treasures 7 times for a total of 10. There’s only about 30 on the AH at any given time ranging from 10k to 20k on Horde-Blackrock

  8. Reading these comments and some people have many! I got one fishing for the strange goop. That's it! Looting all the treasures, mining any node that I come across, etc. Alot of that time is with the small buff. I must just be unlucky so far 😕

  9. Ballooned from a low of 6k to 25k right now on US-Frostmourne. Bought about 50 when they were low so made a nice chunk of gold, but still think/hope that the drop rate will be increased on these.


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