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Pugging My Way Up is a series in which I (raider in BDGG and former MDI “competitor”) enter the world of pugs in World of Warcraft. I won’t play with anyone I know, and nobody will know who I am. This season, I am attempting to reach +20 keys as a shadow priest. For more details, watch this:
PS. This entire season was pre-recorded before any episodes were uploaded.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
For some reason the last 10 seconds didn't get rendered, but you didn't miss much
that tank was an asshole lol like its fine if you main that class and wanna give tips but man why keep going if the dude gives 0 fucks of the things you say lol
The wording that the tank used, just makes me think they are a meta-slave. Only using what's considered OP and never testing or just vibing.
Great Video!
First world monitor problems right here 😛
I'm highly looking forward to having more people tick those boxes 🙂
restro druid was my old main for like 6 years so I know what its like seeing someone just not playing it correctly. but also if they arnt receptive to your initial comments you just stop talking about it.
That tanks gameplay was a compilation of all the things you can do bad/wrong in spires and then he has the audacity to flame and lecture others. Insane. Prot pala is giga op in that dungeon he is supposed to even hard carry that key instead of beeing a burden to the grp
Lulling at judging circle when it was bis at the time, and still is 😛
Edit: He healing less than sanguine, bro that tank had actually 0 clue.
WORD totally agree with you on that tab that has ready check timer and markers