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Putrid Geist is sold by Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard in Icecrown per 20x Argent Commendation.
/way Icecrown 71,0, 21,7 Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard
Argent Commendation is reward from Quests and Dailys during Scourge event pre-patch.
After complete all dailys on the day a good way to stay grinding Argent Commendation is by killing rares in Icecrown (20 minutes respawn), and return Pitch Black Scourgestone on the repeatable daily Pitch Black Scourgestones.
This video shows Putrid Geist Pet WoW.
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a smol boi
anyone else having this pet not show up in their pet log even though they bought one and it says they own one?
buy these now there going to be event exclusives and they are cageable meaning you can sell them on the AH after event and make bank