PVP Guide: How to gear up through pvp – WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2

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In today’s quick video, I show you how to gear up effectively through PVP in World of Warcraft Patch 9.2 Season 3.


16 thoughts on “PVP Guide: How to gear up through pvp – WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2”

  1. What in the best gear? The 255 old pvp gear or 259 new honor pvp gear? They have diferent stats, the old gear has more versa than new honor pvp gear.

  2. For people who are low on gold or bad server economy, maybe the Zereth Mortis 226 Gear for anima is a good alternative for the 230 blue set ?

  3. I’m new to this all but is it just me or is it far easier to gear through pve and then go farm conquest gear. It seems like acquiring and upgrading honor gear is a huge waste of time. What am I missing here

  4. and blizz is wondering why the game is bleeding players like a wounded hog…the old systems worked..it made it so a newb would have to take the blows be canon fodder earn their rights of passage to getting stronger in bgs but all this arbitrary time sink nonesense has only destroyed the game hand over foot…and im just calling out the obvious…there is no reason to reinvent the wheel if it works stick with it…blizz chose other wise..and its sad cuz this is a great game…but it really needs devs that know what their doing all these arbitrary time sinks are only causing more damage and are not encouraging players to stick around…


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