World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | Alliance Series | Part 39 | The Forgotten One

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Welcome to Part 39, The Forgotten One, of this World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Alliance Series walkthrough. This playthrough features gameplay from WoW: Shadowlands and commentary by GameolioDan. Please support the series by clicking the Like button. Cheers!


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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Brave the Beyond

The veil between life and death is no more. With a single act of destruction, Sylvanas Windrunner has ripped open the way to the afterlife. Azeroth’s staunchest defenders have been dragged into all-consuming darkness. An ancient force of death threatens to break its bonds and unravel reality.

Hidden realms of wonder and horror await any who would pass to the other side. The Shadowlands is home to an entire realm of the departed; it is a world between worlds whose delicate balance preserves life and death itself.

As one of Azeroth’s greatest champions, you have been granted the power to cross over in body and soul. Now you must investigate a conspiracy to unmake the cosmos, and help Warcraft legends journey back… or fulfill their ultimate destiny.

Official Site:



00:00 Prison of the Forgotten
01:15 Trust Issues
05:16 Deep Within
07:44 Reawakening
13:04 A Damned Pact
14:37 A Grave Chance
21:05 The Weak Link


#shadowlands #worldofwarcraft #wow


4 thoughts on “World of Warcraft: Shadowlands | Alliance Series | Part 39 | The Forgotten One”

  1. After some consideration, I believe that the Eternal Ones (Except Denathrius & Zovaal), unlike the other cosmic forces, are the least selfish. This is mainly due to how they want the Forces of Death to remain neutral. They care for the protection of the Shadowlands as evidence when the Primus has his houses spy each corner and planets of the mortal realms to make sure they can collect info regarding if there might be an attack on the Shadowlands. Since the Forces of Death are neutral, the Eternal Ones didn't have their reborn souls as Shadowlands natives to attack the other realms of creation across the universe. However, this may be due to how the Cosmic Forces wanted the Plane of Death to be neutral because if the Plane of Death declares war on the other planes, the Plane of Death will automatically win due to how the Plane of Death consists of trillions of souls which is trillion times the number of forces the other planes have. It is also a burden to have Zovaal kept in the Maw. There is even a reason why the Eternal Ones didn't execute Zovaal for his crimes but rather had him imprisoned. This might be due to how killing Zovaal will break the enchantments he made to imprison power cosmic force champions, agents, assassins, and high ranking members that attacked the Shadowlands in Torghast. There is a reason why Torghast is considered inescapable due to its countless rooms.

  2. Runecarver should be the Primus. Don't use the Primus statues as evidence because people make mistakes when building the statues. Also, I believe the Brokers are divided between those who still want to make business with the 4 Major Covenants & Oribos, those who just want to profit from the current Shadowlands Civil War, and those who want to start a business with the Mawsworn and their allies. This can be shown how rogue Brokers made business with Kelthuzad, Muehzala, and Denathrius. I said rogue because their main existence is just to make business with the existing 4 Major Covenants and Oribos. Also, I believe Ven'ari is loyal to the true purpose of the Brokers and their role in the Shadowlands (to only make business with the Eternal Ones, not servants of the Jailer and the Jailer himself). This is mainly due to how Ven'ari is the only Broker who risked herself to enter the Maw, learn about it, and provide guidelines to the players on how to survive their missions in the Maw and Torghast. It is likely Cartel Ve is in league with the Jailer but it is still unclear to why Cartel Ve wants Venari.

  3. Welcome to Part 39, The Forgotten One, of this World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Alliance Series walkthrough. This playthrough features gameplay from WoW: Shadowlands and commentary by GameolioDan. Please support the series by clicking the Like button. Cheers!


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