Quick Guide – Shadowlands Pre Expansion Events Week 1

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

A quick guide to the Shadowlands pre expansion events in week 1, sharing the how-to and answering a few of the more likely questions!

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18 thoughts on “Quick Guide – Shadowlands Pre Expansion Events Week 1”

  1. Nope I am still not buyin Shadowlands because I just played WoW for free between 06/11/2020 to 09/11/2020 and it was good and fun but a BIG BUT. I joined the Epic BG and Alterac Valley Korrak's Revenge. Guess what? SUPER LAG in AV Korrak's Revenge BG. So we are in 16th year of WoW and Blizzard cannot fix the lag. Nope. Not buying Shadowlands.

  2. The icecrown rares should have been set to one kill per week and a short spawn timer and phased if you killed them in the current weekly lockout.
    Who has time to sit around for hours to kill one every 20 mins, that is 6 hours and 40 mins. for the full rotation of 20 bosses. 20 mins is too short to really go do something else in between outside of the zone and too long to not get bored out of your mind.
    And the daily loot … ugh makes my FOMO alert start blaring.

  3. Sorry but this is not interesting to me. I am not a gear hunter and that 34 slot bag is stupid. I cannot wait to hear that players are being turned down for a raid because they do not have 34 slot bag.

  4. Soul is there any achievements that are tied to the prepatch Scourge Invasion events whether in Icecrown or in the cities with the scourge invading? Or any achievements overall for the prepatch?

  5. One of the dailies is collect Scourge Stones, and 1 world boss will provide more than enough to complete it (and it doesn't consume the stones on turn in), so the daily lockout of the vendor solves itself if you grab that quest before you start hunting bosses.


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