Rare Mobs of Classic WoW: 3 MORE Lost Tales | World of Warcraft

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Happy Friday, everyone! Today, we examine three more hidden stories from the rare mobs of Classic WoW, from lost Warcraft III lore to early quests covered up and removed by Blizzard! Let’s dive right in!

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)

Background Music:
– “Duskwood,” “The Barrens,” and “The Stockades” from the WoW OST

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery

Jediwarlock 2024


33 thoughts on “Rare Mobs of Classic WoW: 3 MORE Lost Tales | World of Warcraft”

  1. I haven't pieced the puzzle quite yet when you released your first rare mob analysis and by the time I did I felt it would be a bit late to comment on it. Seeing this video however, I feel like this comment can get a second chance.

    I believe that Narillasanz has a connection to the Argus Wake cult, or at least to the old Blackrock Clan subdivision in the Alterac. The theory comes from WarCraft III, specifically in the mission "Blackrock & Roll, Too!". In that mission Arthas was fighting the Blackrock forces, which had tamed red dragons under their command. While the connection of the BR Clan and Argus Wake is a rather long and separate story, it could explain why Narillasanz hangs around near Alterac mountains and why he is so hostile, given that dragons usually don't attack without reason. This might be a very sad easter egg to that mission if you think about it. He escaped his imprisonment, but he couldn't escape the nature he was raised in.

  2. Absolutely great video. This segment is akin to your swimming across WoW series for me. It scratches that itch of niche info you are so good at finding for us. Big bird being a failed quest attempt (also unique passivation after eating), Iron Knuckle being explained a bit more and being Stone Fist's twin essentially, finally Snarlmane not only being in Warcraft 3 but learning names pass on and it was the ressurected child of Warcraft 3's version. I don't know how much secret and obscured lore is held in Classic era WoW but I'm sure glad you're making videos about it.

  3. Great video as always.

    I don't want to spoil the story, but the rare mob Ghost Howl has an interesting tale as well. Or have you already cowered it? I don't remember…

  4. Funny, just an hour before I saw this video I was finished off by Zarictol in the midst of pvp combat. Love the videos, this is probably the best Classic WoW channel there is.

  5. love your videos. I often think about all these niche little parts of world of warcraft and absolutely love rare mobs, so seeing someone make nice little lore videos about them is super nice!

  6. Could it be that Stonefist who was planting guards, posed as Ironfist? Then when the plan failed Stonefist was able escape while the blame was pinned on Ironknuckle who looked the same. Wrongfully imprisoned.

    Perhaps they were rivals or Ironknuckle got on the wrong side of Stonefist. That’s why the Defias Docket reads “we planned for such contingencies”.

  7. So, something i noticed very recently, as of 6-5-24: Relating to the video about the possible Old Gods on Outland: I was running in Serpentshrine Cavern in Zangermarsh and i noticed something very…unsettling. When running thru that place I had just killed the demon hunter, Leotheras the Blind and on a whim i looked around….there are ruins down there and at first i thought it was more akin to orge ruins. the longer i looked, the more i realized that the carving look like beholders with squid like tentacles, you know, like something an old god might look like…the eyes on the floor were helping either.

  8. Love the series about rares cuz back in Wotlk I remember it was one of my favorite things to do in WoW – I was just exploring all zones searching for rares and making screenshots and videos of them. I am pretty sure I was the first person in the world to get the Frostbitten and Bloody Rare achievements 😀


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