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Hi !
With the addition of World of Warcraft Hardcore, which is a one-life version of the last patch of the original vanilla game from 2004, its time to rewind to a time where Blizzard had not yet decided on what should happen once a characters HP reached zero.
We will take a look at systems that were tested, and how some remnants of these still found a way into the live game!
This video is part of the “WoW – History” which can be found on my channel 🙂
I hope you learned something new from this video, and thank you for watching!
Additional information:
Video edited using VideoPad Pro License
Images are from Pngtree and World of Warcraft (edited using VideoPad Pro)
Text and titles are from VideoPad Pro and
Music soudtracks:
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Passages
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Val’sharah
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Garden of Life
🎵 Song: World of Warcraft – Anduin Wrynn
yaay a new video! <3
In Elwynn there was an altar located in the area where the Darkmoon Faire is located. That's why all the grass is missing there
just when I think I've seen and heard everything about alpha/beta Wow you come and drop another great vid!