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Accolonn reacts to the new World of Warcraft cinematic for The War Within called Echoes of Azeroth
X (Formerly Twitter):
You stopped short of the release date
Lets goo
you stopped the video before the whispers came in at the end
Exactly. What?
Can we get some answers instead of crazy images explaining nothing?
Regardless of writing, gameplay or anything else, Warcraft trailers/cinematics are always EPIC
total shit
LOL FAIL! didn't play the whole Vid, the ends shows the launch date. 8-26-'24
This lends some credence to xalatath being a facet of elune. Elune baddie reveal imminent?
Alizee? The French singer who was the inspiration for the female NE dance? Nice… real nice 😉
Also, Holy shit they are pulling out all the stops now…
Hyped. juste hyped.
haha I was busy jamming out to Bring Me the Horizon, then I saw the cinematic and was like… "well i better put my makeup on and react to this.."
Acco do you think the planet is actually Azeroth? the burning ball of fire? I was just thinking what if thats actually the SUN and what if Azeroths worldsoul IS the sun?? and what if thats what Xal'atath wants to claim?
The first time I have seen Accolonn speachless
The only good part was the old videos. Wow is woke AF. It’s rainbows and flip flops now not war and axes. It’s a joke. Hell even metzin let us down. Just play acension it’s free and way better
Im no longer sure Xal is the harbinger, she sounds like she not doing it for a master…
They did a great job making a narrative from the old titles and tapping nostalgia but that does not in of itself equate to excitement for me. 11 weeks to go.
We're awaiting the official react from the previous one a week ago and now we have a quickie 3 min react of 'wut' on repeat and another claim for 'official react' later. Delayed indefinitely while we watch the LCS instead. Alrighty.
Accolon.exe stopped working
The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.
The way Xal said "she slumbers and dreams" and then talks about everything we've done since vanilla, makes it sound like nothing we did was real…
Woke within.
I love the nod to past expacs, feeling kind of like its a small closure on the old story and moving on to a new chapter for warcraft!
the paralelism with the vanilla trailer is there. im asuming the voice of the vanilla original video is Azeroth and in this one. is Xal.
Aww and you didn't finish through….release date reveal.
If only you stopped it couple of seconds later 😅😅😅 it’s coming in 3 months lol.
first time we can actually see "something" behind azeroth, aside from pure black darkness in space.
You paused right before they show the release date
Xal’atath is the ancient one. She is what is depicted in the murel of the old god down in the depths of Kaz’algar. She is the one ducted in chronicle book 3 in the image of vines and roots around an old gods face in the top right corner. She is the hearthstone card “the ancient one”. She is the employment of the lovecraftian horror Cthylla.
I’ve been saying for a while Azeroth is a star, a star floating in darkness, because she is encased within a Dyson sphere. The controls and operation of that Dyson sphere are housed with the titan facilities slapped across Azeorths “surface”.
umm.. FINAL BATTLE?????
I would like to be excited, but it really seems like they are trying hard to tap into memories of when wow was top dog in order to get people back. But they are really going to need to bring it with the actual game itself, or its going to be all that more dissapointing.
Random african american woman missing a hand with masculine features, seems Blizzard is min maxing that diversity chart.
WoD trailer was also amazing. Juat sayng 😅
Accolon missing the 8.26 release date 😂
feels like i've been spamming refresh all day for this reaction. This was an amazing cinematic!
My reaction: Xal’atath is hot
Final battle we stand with sargaras as he draws the sword as the last titan.
Imagine not getting to the daterat announcement part
The whole of Azeroth and 20 years just flashed before us. The final battle is upon us. Bring it!
Let the copium within battle begin
It's definitely interesting that she says "azeroth at last awakens. The world soul so long denied ME shall be MINE" that sounds like she isn't an old God and she is a much higher void entity. Hmm
Cobbled together, cut and paste cinematic. Blizz isnt even trying anymore. What a garbage trailer
So she's been trying to get Azeroth's world soul since forever looks like. Also she said ''the final battle draws near''. Does that mean that once the World Soul saga is done WoW is done? But that can't be right since they said ''the next 20 years of WoW'' at Blizzcon. And World Soul Saga should be only six years, so what's next? Maybe a massive time jump of like 100 years or so and WoW 2? Even though they said in the past that they will never make WoW 2? Im so confused by these words she speaks of