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Reacting live to an absolutely insane news update from Blizzard on a surprise fourth season of Shadowlands! This is edited from footage from my March 21 2022 stream. Watch full VoDs and catch live streams 6 days a week (Sat/Sun/Tuesmornings and Wed/Thurs/Fri afternoons) over at
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This of course means they're looking at the idea of applying M+ to previously non M+ dungeons and that is awesome. I'm all for making content relevant again and there are plenty of clever ways to do that. I wish they had done this in every expansion honestly. Also I wouldn't think it would be ON TOP of the existing pool. The point here seems to be to do a "one last round" for all the content of the expansion thereby bringing every bit of content from 9.0 and 9.1 up to par with 9.2 challenge wise. I'm all for it.
Imagine they actually using their contentt in a new and inteligente way and making it fresh.
Thank you for posting this! (Good editing, too!)
The train is happening. All aboard.
Looking exceptionally cute today. I think it's the hair.
why not they are in the middle of a sell
I quit wow a while ago and I’m happy about this change. I’ve always felt wow needed to keep old instances in the mix. They have so many instances that never get used. Blizzard was always good at taking stuff from other MMOs and improving on it, but this is something FF has done better for over a decade. Kind of sad that it’s taken blizzard that long to start. Glad they are….it’s about time.
This is really cool. This is something I've wanted them to do. Reuse existing things and make them relevant again
I missed out on Nathria, so this is good! I'll be able to raid it competitively after all.
I just realized, this means Fire Mages will get bracers again!
hopefully this is their way of combating that awful time between expansion announcements and launch dates, adding cross-faction to this makes me so excited for wow and the future of this game
I think this is a great idea considering I missed everything in between TBC and SL
bad news the train is winning.
kind of a spoiler
i think they should do a rotation of wod dungeons because people will vote with the gear that is best for them for the dungeon
So I’ll just drop season 3 and come back later on lol.
Bring back original Hogger.
It is absolute bullshit srry… instead of adding new content just go back to old ??? … Classic WoW 2.0 or what … strange I dont't like the idea at all…
She's going to be upset when she finds out that the top two on the voting are grimrail Depot and iron docks…
Where is the freehold?
Grimrail and Skyreach
5:20 Motion sick? But the train doesn't even move!
it's gotta be April Fool's!
Would this be a wind up to April's Fool?
Tell me that 10.0 is delayed without tell me it me it being delayed…
looks like one more year for raiding the same raids lol great subs money ^^ at least better than nothing
This will be the norm going forward. Lazy, rehashed content because they can't create anything worth playing themselves
Funny enough Grimrail is in the lead in votes for NA. And the garbage that is Iron Docks
personally i'm gonna be keeping busy getting 50 alts to 252 and double leggos, after that i'll go collect stuff as i'm quite behind and 252 ilvl sounds solid for the start of next expansion.
Finally listening to player feedback and not letting content sit idle for a year. Amazing what they can do when they stop drinking and sexually harassing their coworkers.
I would vote for Skyreach without question
Have you put any thought into what game you are going to stream after the next 12+ months kill warcraft?