Reacting to Surprise Shadowlands Season 4 News – Raid Affixes, WoD M+ and More

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Reacting live to an absolutely insane news update from Blizzard on a surprise fourth season of Shadowlands! This is edited from footage from my March 21 2022 stream. Watch full VoDs and catch live streams 6 days a week (Sat/Sun/Tuesmornings and Wed/Thurs/Fri afternoons) over at

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32 thoughts on “Reacting to Surprise Shadowlands Season 4 News – Raid Affixes, WoD M+ and More”

  1. This of course means they're looking at the idea of applying M+ to previously non M+ dungeons and that is awesome. I'm all for making content relevant again and there are plenty of clever ways to do that. I wish they had done this in every expansion honestly. Also I wouldn't think it would be ON TOP of the existing pool. The point here seems to be to do a "one last round" for all the content of the expansion thereby bringing every bit of content from 9.0 and 9.1 up to par with 9.2 challenge wise. I'm all for it.

  2. I quit wow a while ago and I’m happy about this change. I’ve always felt wow needed to keep old instances in the mix. They have so many instances that never get used. Blizzard was always good at taking stuff from other MMOs and improving on it, but this is something FF has done better for over a decade. Kind of sad that it’s taken blizzard that long to start. Glad they are….it’s about time.

  3. hopefully this is their way of combating that awful time between expansion announcements and launch dates, adding cross-faction to this makes me so excited for wow and the future of this game


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