REDEMPTION BEGINS! – Doronsmovies Reacts To Shattered Legacies | 9.2 SPOILERS

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My reaction to the latest Shattered Legacies – Shadowlands In-Game Cinematic that goes in-depth into the new Uther-Sylvanas story arc!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

The latest cinematic Shattered Legacies was just released and it is a BIG cinematic as it goes into the connection between the Ranger General Sylvanas and the Banshee Queen. However what will this mean for the contiunation of the Shadowlands?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


22 thoughts on “REDEMPTION BEGINS! – Doronsmovies Reacts To Shattered Legacies | 9.2 SPOILERS”

  1. done the right thing here. As you said the best they could done. I still belive they can turn to the right path. Send Sylvannas to Silvermoon or with her sisters and us back to Azeroth and rebuild our home and also live there. Stop the cosmic sci-fi thing…

  2. Did anyone else see Game of throne Jon Snow resurrection easter egg? In GOT scene characters was leaving one by one like in this cinematic and when Sylvanas opened eyes cinematic end right after that XD

  3. They ruined Slyvanas only for the Jailer. She could have been this tormented Soul only able to portray hatred and cause strife. The remains of her actual Soul however could have had this Plan to simply escape this undead prison. When she tried to kill herself that could have lead to an Encounter with Denathrius rather than Zovaal. Because this Guy has speech skills and could have acted like He was tired of tormenting. Sylvanas could have fallen for his claims that sinners are not only that but that they mostly went through torment in Life already. Ofc Denathrius wouldnt actually care for them. He just needed her physical form to open the way between Shadowlands and the powerful world soul that is Azeroth.
    He could have told her about this Plan to rewrite Reality and change the meanings of Life and Death. Something the Jailer could have plotted for him so that He would be freed aswell. Jailer and Denathrius would have hid their own Plans before one another and used Sylvanas as a puppet to commit the crimes she did. While her bad Soul was into this the good Side in her could have believed that all those Souls would be free in the end. Denathrius would have kept His Deal with the Jailer a Secret because of the other Rulers and because to him the Jailer was only a Tool just powerful enough to feed him Anima. Only after Denathrius Death we would find out about the Jailer and that He had used Denathrius to gain Power himself and that He escaped admist the Chaos

  4. It all will fall or stand with how they gonna fill up the rest of the 9.2 regarding her 'redemption'. If its a 'ooh its a brainwash trick, so sorry, here is new Sylvanas', its utter bullshit. But then again, a proper brainwash takes years, if she already was so when she gained Warchief from Voljin, Jailer spent a serious long time manipulating her to finaly let go of her 'humane' side (the one that fought for Horde, BFA, etc) and break the endless cycle of death and torment. But i gues her soul got scattered in a way, that all her 'common sense, logic thinking and guit' was cut away, and they just wrap around a story around that.

  5. Ok I'm going to play devil's advocate, because I mostly like that cinematic and how the story is turning.

    First, the Jailer (and also his allies) has been deceptive in the sense that he managed to put Frostmourne on Azeroth and cause a lot of damages through the Scourge from the Maw (which literally is a prison). Moreover, no one knew he was under all of that for years. With Frostmourne he planted a seed which grew, he then played Uther into thinking that he must throw Arthas in the Maw (which might have serve him greatly) and turned some Kyrians by the way. With Sylvanas he probably made her think that undead are damned to go to the Maw, which appears to be wrong. And there are probably more information that we are missing as the Sylvanas book keeps being delayed.

    Concerning the two sides of Sylvanas it is NEVER told that the Banshee is her "evil side" and the Ranger general is her "good side". The Banshee is the one who freed all the undead of Lordaeron after all, even if she used shady methods. The fact that her soul has been split might have made her more and more mad, and her suicide in Icecrown didn't help. She is taking the genocidal evil turn since cata not Legion or BfA ! Remember Gilneas ! And it is probably because the Jailer fooled her with the visions that has been descripted in the short story "Edge of the Night" (between WotLK and Cata). To conlude I think there is a good and a bad side in both parts of Sylvanas. After all, the only moment we saw her alive was in Warcraft 3 against Arthas. We know nothing about her life.

  6. Sad to see this once great character. Don't horde have some spirit walkers and witch doctors etc. which can help understand souls or something like that? Well I guess Sylvanas and all horde couldn't use them to examine forsaken's souls.

  7. "her wound runs so much deeper than mine" – said Uther who basically raised Arthas, watched him grow and prosper. Even saw him getting his horse Invincible, the same horse he later on lost. Though it's never explicitly stated by Uther, he treated Arthas as his own child. How is Sylvanas' wound deeper than his? Betrayal from people you trusted this long should hurt far more than loss of a measly territory to undead.

  8. They made a whole expantion around lich king (lore, and aesthetics) planning it to be as popular as Wrath, ended up ruining the universe. Since the first cinematic it was imaginable that lich was going to become that giant cow that blizz milks until empty.

  9. This could open up so much for the next expansion. Shadowlands lacked a lot, but the story isn’t that bad. They just did a bad job putting out content that related to said storyline. They made it feel like it’s been dragged out. Still…seeing sylvanas return to her ranger general state was pretty fucking badass and I hope she plays a huge role in the future. Killing her would be to easy

  10. I think u need to watch Taliesin analysis . It's not a redemption or using fractures to say Sylvanas is not guilty . No . It's the opposite . She must face the consequences because the banshee is her . It's just a misunderstanding


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