RestedXP Addon EXPOSED | WoW Classic Hardcore | World of Warcraft

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Classic WoW Hardcore and Rested XP Addon EXPOSED. BIG DRAMA.


41 thoughts on “RestedXP Addon EXPOSED | WoW Classic Hardcore | World of Warcraft”

  1. Ironman is different than Hardcore, they're similar, but in the early stages the rules and name were made very distinct, and it was the community developing the name and rules alongside Kargoz. Regardless of where Kargoz and company took this, I was there in the beginning when Kargoz made Ironlad (if you know, you know) and it was just a fun little experiment. There is no way anyone could have anticipated how Hardcore would explode in popularity. It wasn't some corrupt scheme, it's as simple as they got popular, then got greedy. It's a shame, and it appears that the Addon and monetization structure violated the ToS.

    However, Kargoz didn't do anything malicious in his creation of Hardcore and the community that resulted. He facilitated a whole new game mode to enjoy WoW. Alexensual is presenting this as if Kargoz is some villain motivated to damage people and the game, he's a gamer that makes content. He may have overstepped his bounds with the monetization structure of the guides, but that's hardly a crime against humanity.

    Thumbs down from me.

  2. I always wondered why Blizz made a HC official server before a new fresh or TBC server, despite the fact that many more players have been asking for those, and for longer. Hopefully Microsoft will clean some of this shit up.

  3. This is sad. But at the same time, the people are to blame, because they're the ones enabling this. If people didnt fork over money for this stuff, it wouldnt exist. Players are the reason bots exist, because bots exist to farm gold to sell it, and the only people buying the gold are the players. Players are to blame.

  4. Funny thing about it being nostalgic…. In 04 we just had wowhead to get guides, we didn't have content creators. Our leader had a guide for us on each boss. A few sketches in mspaint, and we went and did it.

  5. Calamity is an unreliable source though. Her and her entire HC Elite guild cheated in their own Hardcore challenge. Everyone in the HC Elite that had the core raiding spots had free death passes. Her word is meaningless. Also Kargoz is kind of a failure. He's not even good at wow. His guides were shit.

  6. Never liked this WoW Classic Streamer Society.
    Thanks for investigating and exposing these scumbags. Good work!
    After I watched this I read the comments under kargoz last video..
    I was shocked bout his fanbase and disbelievers. 😮

    Guess all these so called "big streamer" wannabes never understood what classic was about in the first place.
    What a shitshow!

  7. Sadly i bought the RXP ultimate bundle in TBC. WotLK then came out, and the ultimate guide now had it included, for the same price as i had bought it.. but since I bought it during TBC, they wanted another $25 per faction for the WotLK content. That's right… an extra $50 fee charged to existing users for 10 more levels which were now included in the bundle i had already bought.

    Never giving them another cent.

  8. I feel like this is a massive nothing burger and is trying to make a mountain out of an ant hill. Yes they advocated for themselves and tried to make money using their resources. This doesn't even seem bad. They were just successful. The only thing I can say is bad here is the favoritism from blizzard

  9. But what about the tournament casted by esfand and the mage guy ? I hadn't followed much wow past 2 years but I watched the tournament and the skill level was insane, the commentary was great, idk it just felt right and epic. Thanks for putting the info out there tho

  10. This is the stupidest fucking video ever. RXP provides players value and in turn, players pay for that value. No one is harmed. Kargoz has done amazing things for the community and this is just a silly hit piece written by someone who clearly does not understand business or the real world.

  11. I am going to be honest. This is shady capitalism, but like doesn’t seem too bad. Simply do not buy RXP and this is literally a non issue and nowhere near the biggest issue from blizzard in regards to the health of wow classic.

    Not supporting kargoz and crew at all, but like this seems stuff is unanswered like why would kargoz delete his whole channel?

  12. I dont like where Kargoz and HC turned, but ai love classic and HC. I dont associate with the streamers or any of that scene. Its a game that I love, and im not let them or anyone else tarnish it. The game is what you make it. I guarantee if you don’t listen to others and play the game that you love, you will find what you were looking for.

  13. RXP just released their SoD guides that are only included with other products. Already paid $20 for a guide? Too bad- pay $25 just to get SoD. The fact that there is not a stand-alone ~$5 option for the Season of Discovery guide is ludicrous at best and dubious bullying business practice at worst. I'm not going to say it makes RXP look like money grubbing scammers that actively spin a negative aspect of their product to their customers as if it were a positive thing, but it does feel like and appear as if I am being scammed right now.

    By acting in this way, RXP are in-effect snubbing past customers that have already purchased a guide, and under the guise of it being for the customer's own convenience; which is the part that irks the most.

    "First things first. RXP Media has not scammed anyone, and will not scam anyone. Ever. As a company, we have always been very upfront & open about what we sell and do." –

    Such colossal losers. They deserve what's coming to them.

  14. Tried the RXP addon out, fortunately for me in my case while makes the levelling incredibly fast it makes the game boring for me just blindly following an arrow letting the addon play for me.

  15. This is so stupid. 1. it doesnt hurt any player that doesnt use RXP (including me) 2. Let people get their bag for putting hours of work in, i believe that our addon makers deserve compensation. 3. Technically ironman existed 1st your right but i dont think it woulda blown up like HC did (Hydrox vs Oreo). 4. There are more pressing issues in the world then a group of 10 people getting money they earned.

  16. The amount of people defending Kargoz actions tells me there are large groups of people in on it and that's what concerns me more and all you gotta do is literally just look through the comments with the highest rating to see what I mean. Absolutely soulless money grubbing goblins that care only about the money.


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