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Zuco takes a look at the build options available to Resto Shaman’s in the upcoming patch for Shadowlands 9.2! More Spirit Link??
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The restro shaman tier set was changed. I was thinking going deeply rooted and elemental conduit from venthyr for 9.2.
yep naw is mor f….. because we not have prio for totems and ertch elemental isnt totem wtf blizard, and mana for chein heal is sow ……. to expensiwe set stil have low hps beter is necro for hps on raid
I don't personally like the necro style for healing. It feels like I can never time it well enough around what other healers are doing. It's OK in dungeons and some LFR. But for competitive healing it feels terrible to need to plan 5+ targets you know will need healing 10 seconds before you need it.
I think a better way would have been to make the necro ability put out 5 unique riptide like heals and then the next healing wave heals them all.