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Gorelock’s Ultimate Ret Paladin Guide! World of Warcraft Shadowlands Patch 9.0 – Castle Nathria
Edit #1: Night Fae undocumented changes have completely altered the damage profile throughout mythic progression and in the long run. This change will make NF competitive damage-wise with Venthyr for raiding to within 1%. To read the full explanation of these undocumented changes you can check out my post on my discord linked below or the pinned comment. This however does not affect most of the core reasons to go venthyr over NF for most mythic raiders.
Edit #2: Final Reckoning damage increase reverted from 35% to 50%
Edit #3: some of the information in this video is now outdated. I will be making a follow-up guide for 9.0.5 to discuss how the retribution paladin meta has evolved.
This video covers:
0:00 – Intro
1:00 – New paladin baseline (The Unpruning)
5:59 – Scaling changes from BFA to Shadowlands
7:47 – Talent changes
11:21 – New builds (single target, aoe, and burst)
14:45 – New Stat Scaling
15:21 – stat prio
17:26 – Covenants
22:45 – Conduits & soulbinds
25:58 – Legendaries
28:08 – Damage rotation
28:44 – Strengths, weaknesses, and conclusion
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#WorldOfWarcraft #Shadowlands
At around 7:38 I nearly fell out of my chair whilst hearing this at 5am lmao
Great content! Thank you so much! but please get a better mic, it would be a shame with no clear voice for such good content!
Ty mate! Great content! o/
So what are exactly the stats we need for retri? And how many % per each of them about?
great video love all the hard work!
Final Reckoning got reverted back to 50% dmg increase, not 35% like they tried to change it at first.
Nah night fey is so good in PVP ret dmg is already really good just need that movement
DP, Seraphim or HA for single target?
Hi- I don’t know why you think Night Fae isn’t viable but this is causing a lot of people to spread misinformation. Night fae has simmed within 2% of Venthyr for the past month at least and with recent undocumented changes it sims as good or better than Venthyr. Please do something about this misinformation. It’s flat out wrong. I’m not sure where you got this idea.
Hey man, love the guide. Did all this info stay true for live launch? 😛 Especially interested about the legendary stuff.
I highly disagree with what you said about Night Fae and I've also read your description. Night Fae sims as good as Venthyr for ST. For AoE, you really need multiple targets to make Divine Toll shine whereas with NF you bring so many utilities to the group (healer getting 10% bonus, slowing mobs movement and attack speed, recovering CDs faster etc.) so it's way better than being pure DPS and you lose insignificant amount of DPS. For utility, NF is way better than Venthyr as Venthyr utility can be canceled in PvP and some raid mechanics easily while with NF, you can run through your target and escape from immediate threats (whether PvP or PvE) quickly. I think some paladins don't want to push "more" buttons to bring group more utility while not losing a significant DPS at all.
I don't agree in the with the shield. You can use a macro to change the weapont when the tank dies and you can tank the boss for a small time till they can get the tank up. That extra armor could help the group not to wipe. 🙂 Of course it is a small chance to happen, but it can happen.
The wheelchair… xD lmfao!!!xD
great guide and very informative. I'm sure you've noticed your mic volume dipping up and down though?
the night fae ability and interaction with Niya's soulbind ability was completely changed on launch from what was tested in beta.
What happened?
The biggest change is to Niya's soulbind ability and its interaction with our Night Fae ability. Previously, it gave a small mastery buff with low up time and only procced with Blessing of Summer. On live it now procs for 30 seconds on every blessing giving about a 66.7% uptime on 150 mastery + the random procs of 25-50 mastery throughout. This change will make night fae competative sim-wise with Venthyr throughout mythic launch. No more different gaps in power at multiple points during progression. Current sims are showing Venthyr is still slightly ahead, but it is now marginal (within about .5%).
How does this affect me?
This should not affect you nor should it mean you need to reconsider your choice. Although the damage differential between Night Fae and Venthyr has been alleviated the reasons to choose Venthyr over Night Fae remain what they are for high level raiding/m+. Venthyr teleport is still going to be stronger than night fae for raid due to the abillity to teleport to and back from the add platforms on Sire Denathrius. Additionally, you still are incurring the weakaura tracking + 4 GCD rotation cost of night fae in addition to tracking other player's cds to use optimally. TLDR night fae can be competitive in damage/utility but it will be significantly harder to play.
Which is better?
Ultimately, this will come down to feel and how much damage will be lost during actual play. If you are not great at GCD management, NF will wreck you on how much damage you do vs how it sims. Similarly, if your tank trolls you and moves everything out of your venthyr ground aoe, you can also lose a bunch of damage. If your goal is to be a parselord, venthyr is still the way to go as you will do slightly more.
how do i even get The Mad Paragon? i've been serching everywhere and cant find anything of where to get it..
I don’t know if it’s just me but you seem to talk very slowly.
So venthyr huh?
Nice video, very helpfull for a new paladín like me.
Which ui mod do you use?
Hey Gore, i've got a question, what potion are we rets using for raiding, been using the radibots tool but i don't know how to apply the oils to the weapon i'm being simmed on, so i don't know how precise is the data given by raidbots, if you could talk about general scenarios would be very useful, thank!
Solid advice! Thanks
What add on is that for you holy power
Really good informative video! You mentioned that with Venthyr you’d be using less templars verdicts. Why is that?
I have so much to learn.
Awesome guide brother. Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much. Shadowlands is my first ret pally and this was super helpful. Loving the class so far
turn undead is clutch in torghast to stay in combat
Good video but the audio quality could be improved: look into "audio compression" to ensure the volume of your voice remains consistent 🙂
hi Mate, very helpful video. Im new to this class und learned something here. But i got one Question. How do you push your haste? It always gets up. But mine doesn't… Can you tell me? (sry for bad english, not native)
Cool! I'm feeling it
How do I use sense undead?
This video is so great and full of amazing information. However, the audio and stumbling on words make it a little hard to watch. Keep up the great work and thanks for going into such detail.
What addons are you using?
just getting started in SL =) any updates to the guide ?
"Holy pally isnt looking great for raiding" lol, that sure has changed hasnt it