Rewarding or Unrewarding? – The Shadowlands Gearing Experience

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Gear has been a pretty hot topic in the Shadowlands that will get better over time, but will it be enough?
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34 thoughts on “Rewarding or Unrewarding? – The Shadowlands Gearing Experience”

  1. I agree, simply adding badges will entirely fix this problem for m+, even if it takes a very long time to get an item or if there is a weekly cap of how many you can get.

  2. I think the issue is that, fundamentally, we have a number of diametrically opposed wants from WoW, making it an impossibility for the developers to actually deliver.

    Yes, yes, give us loot! We want, and should, feel rewarded for our efforts!
    But we also want that gear to feel good for months to come. And so it has to retain value over the long run.
    Oh, and it can't be RNG!
    And we want to be able to grind it out easily, with just a few M+ a week and a raid boss here and there.
    But we don't want to have all our gearing done in like, two weeks, right? Yes, no we don't.
    And so make it so we have reason to keep on logging every day (like, you know, gearing).
    But don't introduce any "endless grinds" like AP.

    Think about how many of these things are, realistically, incompatible! And no, this is not to say that no change whatsoever could bring us closer to unifying all these wildly incompatible wants into reality, but I'd say it's pretty darn impossible to have it all be true at the same time.

    Personally, I much prefer this system over the ones we had in the last two expansions. Gear feels extra important, new drops and upgrades are a real cause for celebration, and I don't feel like I'm as overtly reliant on getting lucky as before, nor am I pissed off because some random person got that exact weapon I finally grinded out and it socketed and it warforged and it proc'd a tertiary stat. And so while I'm hoping for a sought-after item to drop from the end of dungeon chest like everyone else, I don't resent Blizzard when it doesn't. I actually enjoyed the challenge and am looking forward for more of it later.

    Having gear be the ultimate reward in WoW is a sad concept to me. I play because I genuinely enjoy the content. Gear is just a means to an end, never more.

  3. The gear drain is hard, and I'm mostly M+ due to IRL constraints. Perhaps if there was a badge/currency reward system for M+ to at least give you more than 1 piece of loot. I think this week I got 2 pieces of gear out of 15 runs in the 8+ runs I did and none of them were used. Perhaps if there was every 3rd M+ you got a piece of gear you completed in time or something.
    But then we have timewalking coming up next week and Ulduar will drop Ilvl 200 loot. But I have 0 desire to do anything on my alts other than gather/craft/campaign. I don't want to do M+ cause there's low reward for high investment.

  4. One thing I miss is having rare recipes or raid drop recipes that can give you higher quality gear like the Dragon Soul gems. I like having things to craft not everyone can make and making crafting relevant. Like let people craft 190 gear from rare recipes in normals, 208 from hc, etc.

  5. In all m+ level 5 or 6 , maybe 5 Or 6 times per week and every dung M0 every week together with Nathria runs on normal every lock out …and still not had a single weapon drop……and I mean not one..bought a 190 boe in the end on the ah. Last vault I had a choice of 5 rings, and the week before 4 rings and a back. I have still got a 171 I level chest, shoulders and neck. Half the fun of the game was effort = shinies…..that’s gone now and I can’t be bothered.☹️

  6. I think the issue is that in classic, there was less loot which dropped but there was a masterloot system. Meaning that a neck with bad stats for a mage, could be given to a shaman for example. In Shadowlands, less loot drops, but there is no master loot and items aren't even tradeable if you haven't equipped the same itemlevel and slot yet. This makes it so that even though loot drops, it can't go to the "right" people and it just gets vendored or disenchanted. The worst thing is weapons. Have a 226ilvl staff and a 200ilvl off-hand drops -> Can't trade it because you have a staff, not an offhand. Honestly ridiculous.

  7. It's pretty clear, Blizz needs to add a currency system for M+ similar to how PvP vendors are right now (you can buy loot with currency and upgrade with same currency). Currency awarded could be based on key level and how fast it was timed.

    They also need to fix the vault. Getting duplicate items is NOT COOL. It happens and it does NOT feel good at all….

  8. I really dont see the problem with not getting loot every dungeon. I didnt play much bfa, but did people get so much loot there did they now crave instant gratification? I mainly played classic and it took me half a year to assemble full Tier 2. I am complelty fine with that. In shadowlands I was amazed that I was able to bring up my ilvl with more than 5 a week already. (183, 189,195, 201) I was so suprised when people started complaining about loot. does everyone want to be fully geared within a few weeks? what will you do for the rest of the expansion?

  9. I don't give a damn about the raid items. I don't give a damn about the M+ items. Why? Cause fuck all those vers items I constantly get from the Vault. I would give a damn for all those items if I could reforge the secondaries. But we all know that Hazzikostas and his minions won't make it happen cause they are malicious, petty people imho.

  10. It's fucking painfui to do so much wotk and get fuck all for it. 10 levels higher than BFA with better gear and my char feels weak. I went back to BFA and I am no better than I was. Don't even get me started on all the fucking packs of mobs you run into everytime you try to escape from A there's pack B C and D for you to run into.

  11. We put in the time to gear our characters to the best we can, we que and get declined for mythic + and normal CN, when we do get in and we clear the dungeons and the bosses in the raid then it all comes down to the rng of the game… honestly if im putting in upto 20hrs in mythic + including search and finishes and im not getting gear I feel like I'm burnt out… when I go into CN and you see gear drop for others and not you and you're getting gold and the occasional conduit/ lego recipe sometime you say in your head " OK maybe next week" but what you're really saying is where is the reward for me this week for beating a boss.. I did did normal CN this week 3 200il conduits and gold and maybe anima.. meanwhile I'm seeing raid mates drowning in loot getting the upgrades they deserve but you have a handful of us disappointed in the lack of loot dropped for us…. RNG needs to be on your side now and soon it'll come biting us in the ass because we will fall behind all because we don't get rewarded for the time and effort we all put in

  12. My experience is basically what you are saying. Went a lot of dungeons, got nothing or useless stats/items I've had already. With this idea of getting best items I think there should be checkbox on stats, you actually want to get. Because my only loots gave me two stats I don't want or chest where my legendary is. With this you could atleast make sure people are getting what is useful for them.
    Other thing is that there should be some token system from end of the dungeon. Maybe after you collect five it will make a big one with average level from those you have and you can buy whatever you want. Or they should atleast gave much more anima than 35 so you don't have to grind useless and boring WQ.

  13. I'm already to the point where I'm just going to log in for raid time and one 10 key each week, and probably stop playing once it get AOTC, even just farming the tmog for this raid feels like it will take 6 months

  14. I completely disagree, everything you do in WoW results in being fully bis at the end of the season, if you pvp you eventually are fully 226+ ilvl, if you hard mythic progression and get 10/10M then you should get fully geared earlier, you put more time into your toon, for M+, you shouldn't be able to do organised gear content from doing just dungeons, you gotta wait for your vault, put more effort in your toon and whenever you get a 226 item, that item is BIS for the entire season and it shouldn't be changed

  15. Heaven forbid players quickly get "BiS" from content that doesn't even offer it. Blizz is fucking stupid.

    I'm ok with the ilvl nerf… It is what it is, but removing the bonus rolls and reducing the loot drops on top of that is just overkill. The game is supposed to be fun, not a chore.

  16. Have run almost 50 keys and I’m still in 184s. I’m already at the point where I do my four 14s then that’s it, really wish there was a currency system cause that 35 anima at the end is a real kick to the face. I feel like my times wasted after my weekly runs for the vault is done

  17. Still spent more runs/time getting Hand of Justice in classic re-release.

    I never liked m+ in the first place but running anything above or below a 7 key feels pretty unrewarding – even with the vault quota (relative to the amount of effort put in, that is)


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