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a huge new mmo to look forward lets see how it goes and what works and hope that its amazing
if you need anything my contact: [email protected]
#gaming #riotgames #mmorpg
still big
The amount of fuss that the Riot MMO hasn't been making is kind of concerning to me. I've come back to WoW for every expansion since I started in Vanilla but Dragonflight is the first xpac that broke the cycle for me. Haven't really enjoyed the game since Legion. Maybe the next big MMO thing will happen after WoW has milked classic to the point where you just have a server for every expansion. It'll be like watching a big zit pop once it gets to that point.
Retail doesent have 1/5th of the classic playerbase, you got it wrong.
Sry but you are wrong…. you have way more of your time in hc wow… i remember every spawn every quest every flower every death from strangers… it is wayyyyy more memorable than the normal mode were nothing matters. I know i know i think the same at first… but its crasy good… and the community❤❤❤
LOL 1:30 to 2:00 is EXACTLY who plays WoW HC. I am a gamer, I spend most of my free time on it, and I played a lot of WoW, but if you play a 20 year old game not designed for it HC, yeah… you literally are bored of life and looking for a way to kill time.
this guys is such a hater lmao I’d be surprised to learn there are things he likes in life
This game (WOW) wasn't ground breaking it followed in Everquest's footsteps, which followed in Ultima Online's foot steps.
"Jobless. Almost Homeless. Wifeless. Childless. And I'm gonna play hardcore, because there's literally nothing better to do with my life."
What an insane roast
I made it to 60 in hardcore. Have a wife, have a career, own a house, go to the gym. Had a whole guild of us raiding end game who were older with families.