ROAD TO OBSIDIAN RANK ONE EP. 1 – The Return of Shadowlands Style RMP *Fire Sub Holy*

Read more about Shadowlands ➜

Looks as if fire sub holy is viable again this season unlike last season where we had to push R1 as frost assa disc. Honestly the comp plays very similar to Shadowlands style RMP, except the mage tankiness is gone and made of pure paper which leaves less room for defensive error.

20% off Exitlag with code “Hansol”:



20 thoughts on “ROAD TO OBSIDIAN RANK ONE EP. 1 – The Return of Shadowlands Style RMP *Fire Sub Holy*”

  1. Do you roll hyperthermia? Is it worth it?
    When it procs it is madness but I notice it does it maybe once every other match if that. I’m not sure where I would spend the talent point outside of it. Can you show talents and maybe an up to date guide?

  2. Yo Hansol is this really sarena? looks more squared frames but it’s clean af!! … do u ever see gladius ex not showing cds u selected ..? How did u make that tinder timer on ur action bar? Also I would recommend u making an updated ui setup guide for what u have here lol ❤


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