Runecarvers Jailer Memory Cutscene | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Runecarver Jailer Memory Cutscene | World of Warcraft Shadowlands

#jailer #shadowlands #cutscene


50 thoughts on “Runecarvers Jailer Memory Cutscene | World of Warcraft Shadowlands”

  1. So the final prize…hidden by the first ones…that required the helm and sword to be made…kicking off the whole lich king arc…would be? Feel like weve been in this kind of story before.

  2. Lore in Warcraft; turn of your brain and only focus on what is the current expansion. Everything else will be retconned to hell and beyond to fit into the current expansion. What's the point in investing energy into lore discussion when the lazy writers at Blizzard use retcon all the time?

  3. i m not plating wow but i like watching the story. I have a question, are these cutscene related to a gameplay? i mean, everyone s posting them, but for example, there s no gameplay or story related to them. Sorry if you don t undersant my question, but i m from Romania, so mai english may be bad

  4. so.. the runecarver made frostmourne… which was shattered by a mortal, wielding a sword made by a dwarf, using a crystal looted from the dead body of some random orc……….

  5. This must have been prior to the lich Kings arrival with nerzhul being bound to the helm of domination; from what it looks like I've seen so far we're gonna see a new lich King except the jailer will assume anduin as his vessel once he's been broken making anduin wear the helm (most likely taking over anduin with the new helm) and a new frostmourne would probably mean he will return to stormwind but also means a mass new scourge invasion compared to pre-patch events leading to the boats we see in spoiler images of helyas ships though I could be wrong.
    Also the first bit where the jailer sound "pathetic" is where the helm of domination sounded exactly alike.

    And spoilers hint: the runecarver is the primus put the two images side by side and the jailer must of likely shackled him and torn his memories away
    The primus was a master craftsman of maldraxxus so it makes sense

  6. The Jailer wasn't even present in my cutscene. The Runecarver was just looking out at nothing the entire time. But we gotta go easy on Blizz. They're just a small startup company. Once they get some funds they'll get this stuff down.

  7. Personally i find this boring, suddenly this idiot this guy shows up with as only excuse that the dreadlords follow this lightsout WoD Blackhand look alike instead.
    I was a great lore buff but retconning so that nothing had even mattered is the last straw for me.

    It should have been Na'zull biding it's time instead.

  8. Then Sargeras jumps in dressed like Macho Man Randy Savage and playing the electric guitar, kicks the jailer in the nuts, and steals the sword and helmet. The end 😀

  9. Anyone else got the feeling that the Helm/Frostmourne were actually made for the Jailer himself? Then he used them as a way to exert his will on the mortal realm, just like Sauron did with the rings of power.

  10. So the runecarver didn't make frostmourne…At least not yet, he had the memory of frostmourne's design. But the real question is…Why did the Runecarver wish to craft frostmourne to begin with?


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