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wow thats hard to watch to noobs play lol
Griefed By Thorns
Lol. With how Sardaco was destroyed in all his training by other rogues I wasnt thinking he will come on top.
I don’t mind Yamato survive tbh, but I hope he learns that he’s not the MC in this world and becomes more humble. but something tells me he won’t learn anything and he will start trash talk again. But whatever as long as he doesn’t turn into a guild wide drama again then I don’t care.
As a yimit enjoyer I’m so sad he got washed like that, I’m happy he got 100k viewers and I’m happy he wanted to die and he said it was his fault despite he got griefed with no coaches
Lol Yamato deflecting his mistakes on someone else lol who could've seen that coming
Roached out like a pirate in the night
One of the biggest cringe events ever.
it has happend before 4 -1 . Yeah but that warchief fight was rigged. Soda had already betted 200g on Tyler. before the duel started. he admitted this. I dont think i will be watching onlyfrauds next season.
KICK YAMATO!!!!!!!! His shitty attitude makes me think he doesn't deserve the opportunity. Always turns his nose up and acts better than everyone. What an ungrateful little asshole….genuinely spoils this content and gives the guild a bad name.
You cretins want to be mad at Yamato so bad, but of all the things to dislike about him, you want to lie about how he took this L. He literally said it was on him and was sorry towards his coaches.. like what? Get a hobby.
This fight was ass and then you allow all the buffs on top that just made it more boring. Bad call, Soda. Casting was good though.
I want Pshero to start causing a trouble we need more of these 1v1s
"I want content, lets duel to the death No? This is content, If I die Ill take it as a man"
Loses to Sardaco
" starts crying Ye Idc, I kinda deserve to die, I just had so much fun more crying Idk what to do, now Ill die, but its fine more crying "
Enter TylerNepotism1
"Ah gosh, I have to safe him now, don´t worry, you won´t die"
Assembles 15 people who shield Yamato, blocks out all the content by layer swapping and blames everyone who did not jump in with 1/10 of their team (cause everyone is trying to layer.)
What do we learn from this?
Nepotism rules the world and people who act tough are actually the biggest crybabys out there …
Why is everyone so mad that guy lost? He not only lost but got smoked 5-1
Typical league baby rofl
HAHAHAHAHA that first duel where he didn't see Yamato out of stealth so funny.
Yamato deserved to live, losing to someone as bad at PVP is enough of an EGO check for yamato
Bet it was not even suckdazo that was playing.
just do it wihtout the cringe consums, buffs and buffs from other people??
Why the f would you do that xD
Love Xaryu x Ziqo. More duels. You should have it every week. One day each week you should have 2x 1vs1 duels best of 5. So like Mage vs Warlock. Priest vs Warrior. Or whatever. Each week new duels and winner of duels maybe get award while the looser get a punishment.
This is so boring
Xaryu needs to be the official caster for AWC for real. He's so good at it
YES, GOOD. BYE BYE YAMATO. BACK TO YOUR TOXIC LEAGUE GAME. THANKS FOR NOTHING. Thonka belive in mee mee emememem ememe Good friend holin my peepepepeep xD Hope u find a peace in LEAGUE, oh, no, there is no peace xD
live chat and people in the comments making fun of Yamato being genuinely upset and tearing up is the most cringe and socially inept incel chronically online behaviour I have seen in a long while ngl
Yamato is garb and a coward.
This was trash. The arena was horrible and planned. You acting dumb was horrible. I’m done with this kind of planned content
Once the duel started, if he cared about Thorns he could have clicked it off
It is just apemode to fight 9 games without waiting for all rogue cds between duels…. Almost impossible to win
10:34 “sardaco is so bad” isnt he a sweat? Aaa wait they got only knowledge but they are unskilled animals otherwise
wow.. what a boring duel.. yawn…
Pws to start?
This was the biggest shitshow ever. Totaly faked. Was there not a rule that yama was not allowed to be in a groupe while in Arena? T1 will destroy of.
yam played it wrong, as a rogue v warrior you need to cs and rupture then kite
Yamato talked all that shiz and got CANNED 5-1 by a non-PvP’er. Thought WoW players sucked, thought it is an easy game, HAHAHAHA. On top of that he cried like a b1tch.
Boring duel, and pushover leaders. You promote what you permit, and we are sure to see more Yamato BS now. You guys gave him a million outs that he was too proud to take, and doesn't even get a punishment?
This was awful…two mid players on these classes
Forcing the rogue to open within 30 seconds pretty much rigs this whole thing. I guess the alternative is this takes five hours because the rogue just keeps going in stealth and waiting for a cool downs but
"He's dead. He's sooo dead. He is dead 100%. I'm gonna send in Shobek and he is dead" – Soda a week ago 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m 25 nd remember as a kid watching soda play feral Mann good days😂😅
Objective Rogue Analysis:
1. 12:50 – Still haven't used Gouge. 15:30 – Uses Gouge AFTER pets were summoned ontop of him.
2. Yes, Yamato should be kiting for CDs. But, no Ruptures or Garrotes once a lead was secured. Force the Early Bandage.
3. 19:36 – No adaptation to the Kidney Resist. That Blind was slow and he died anyway, if the warrior pushed damage instead of net, he would've died faster.
4. Why is Yamato pushing Evasion? While in feral range?
5. 22:50 – Yep, Yamato delayed his Kidney Shot and lost any embers of momentum left.
Great content y'all.
Fuck that was a tough watch 😂
I feel like the people complaining about rogue duels being boring and that there is no action will somehow be the same who hate on retail pvp (where things are a lot faster).
No matter how many times I watch this it gives me pleasure how Yamato gets REKT …
Do Not consum that bs anymore
Ty Chance for throwing
We all know yamato is nothing more than tyler's twink boyfriend
Yamato wins biggest pussy 2025 for the gurubashi arena. Tyler1 close second.
rogue loses duels to a warrior
"No no no NOOOOOOOO! Rogue was supposed to DIEEEEE in the arena! AAAAARGH!"
Yam is a really bad rogue. The fact that he kept gouging him in berserker stance when his rage was off cd tells you everything about how desperate his gameplay is.
Should have done everything goes, these rules are so favoured. Bad content all because Sardaco cried victim.