Voidweaver and Oracle Priest REVEALED – The War Within Alpha Hero Talents

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Oracle and Voidweaver Priest are both live on The War Within Alpha and I got early access to test them both out for Holy and Discipline Priest. These Priest Hero Talents are part of the new system in the War Within and we go through the dungeons available on the Alpha to test them out for a first look!

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24 thoughts on “Voidweaver and Oracle Priest REVEALED – The War Within Alpha Hero Talents”

  1. The previous version of Oracle needed some changes for sure, but I felt like the design while bold, was way more interesting than this current iteration. Even if you weren't playing super optimally (which, let's be honest, most aren't) the theme would still be buffing someone else and giving someone more than they already had in most cases. Which is at least a bit rewarding still if you enjoy that type of support healer gameplay.

    This version seems…kind of like a headache to manage and seems way more punishing for messing up, or you just may gain nothing from your buff due to it cycling to something else. The over healing premonition immediately stands out as the best option out of the three.

    They already cooked with Voidweaver, and personally I thought they were cooking with the original Oracle…just needed a bit more heat and time in the oven…some seasoning here and there and I think it would have at least been fun to play. Feeling like a D&D cleric, buffing and healing your allies or a FFXIV Astrologian.

  2. stop talkin about nerfing the fun gameplay, instead talk about buffing whatever Oracle is. Be positive and keep the fun stuff as it is. Looking back at dragonflight, Disc was a joke. Its time to shine.

  3. Who tf decided that oracle just HAD to be a slot machine? Like… im glad its not w PI bc that's already work to micromanage but still…..
    I understand experimenting with deeper healing rotations (though perhaps I'd preffer that for some of the dps classes vs healer etc) for like…. the purposes of introducing smth new besides just flat rotation and proc chance rotation choices. But…. maybe not for the oracle tree? Mayb somewhere else? I feel like disc ramp just gonna get more weird w it and I think holy is a bit underpowered with the new abilities so… eh…?
    PS. voidweaver yoooooo

  4. Hopefully blizz doesn't see the fun people are having with voidweaver and decide to nerf it into the ground. Oracle sounds pretty terrible for the most part. Hopefully Archon is good for Holy!

  5. Man, they are DETERMINED to make oracle be a shittier, horrible version of Final Fantasy's astrologian. Astrologian is also one of the least played healers in FF, because SURPRISE SURPRISE! PEOPLE DONT LIKE HAVING TO SIFT THROUGH BULLSHIT TO GET TO THE GOOD PARTS WHILE TRYING TO KEEP PEOPLE ALIVE! That's why FF reworked astrologian to remove picking and choosing and just making all the little card buffs fire and forget. Voidweaver is 100% the pick, oracle is garbage. And the sad thing is I KNOW what blizzard is going to do. Instead of scrapping Oracle's failed 'pick your fate' theme and doing something better, blizz will just nerf the shit out of Voidweaver to make it less appealing. Because that's what blizzard ALWAYS does. Instead of making everything better, they bring everything DOWN to some stupid, horrible, shitty lowest common denominator.

  6. Voidweaver biig W. Oracle…what? did they only read part of the critic saying pi minigme was bad so they JUST left the minigame? Nope. just no. as a holy enjoyer I wish Archon isnt as complete garbage as oracle still is.

  7. At least with the last Oracle tree there was actually the payoff where you’d get all 5 buffs active at the same time which might have felt cool, with this new tree they traded off the headache of having the juggle spells with any fantasy it could have had. Still easily one of the worst hero talents and I think they just need to ground up rework it. Take inspiration from voidweaver! Make it feel as cool as it plays

  8. Wow, the synergy and efficacy of Voidweaver is top notch. It all blends together for something that is not simply passive, and is very thematic, that works with what's already in your spellbook.

    It really should be the prototype for all other hero talent trees.

    I mean, i love the farseer thematically. But let's be honest, for elemental, that's essentially just saying, "Here's more mastery." Quite lackluster

  9. Yeah oracle seems really meh even for casual like me. As a long time healer priest, the idea of "in-betweener talent" between 2 healing spec is nerdgassive af, but making us into FF14's Astrologist isnt :((

  10. I learned disc priest for BFA, mostly using your videos, the way you clearly talk about mechanics and how to keep the party alive was extremely helpful. I just wanted to say thanks. I'm picking the game back up and Voidweaver sounds amazing.

  11. What irritates me the most is that oracle, by their own definition, is a healer who peers into the future to protect allies.

    And yet the only thing in the kit that resembles this are the talent names. There is absolutely no flavor aside from "oh well if u think about it in this really abstract way, maybe u can see the kit possibly resembling the theme."


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