Season 4 Tank Tier List Preview

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Lets take a look at where I think the tanks are going to land in season 4 for the pros and the more average player base!

Tank Roundtable!:


Key Review uploads:






16 thoughts on “Season 4 Tank Tier List Preview”

  1. Is tanking a 10 mythic okay for a warrior that's item level 248? I could barely do it without dying my mastery is 48% and my haste is only 29%. I'm pretty sure my rotation is good I always have up time on shield block and ignore pain

  2. Good comment, just for me at least warrior always have been the same, super op at the end of each exp, cuz you have more gear to work, more stat also is one of the tank that do more dps. But great job

  3. output dmg of the tank will make or break a tank for our key levels. so depending on what logs will say. im gonna wait with my choise. hope they fix some tanks with a patch before s4

  4. I love to bear tank, but incarn is broke. It's entirely too strong when it's up, and you are useless when it's down. Modifying the CD won't fix that, only shift the window of brokenness. It needs to be rebuilt or bears need an additional CD in addition to incarn. A talent that helps Ironfur do something for magic would go a longway to evening out the playing field. Also swipe probably needs a buff to damage. Non incarn bear damage is one sad panda….oh and Panda transmog!

  5. As a vengeance main that still have a gripe with the way it plays. I reckon it's gonna be much the same cause it's unlikely youll be able to get fracture fracture on repeat without an absurd amount of haste. And also since the random way we're getting soul frags from imo aura tier it's still gonna be fracture fracture fel dev and spirit bomb and never cleave ever to not waste the odd frag and tro glaive or whatever if there's a cool down gap. I have 40% + verse on trash packs anyways so I'd say be crit verse and haste to 35% be fine with kyrian haste buff anyways 😁


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